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Phase I study of vinblastine in combination with nilotinib in children, adolescents, and young adults with refractory or recurrent low-grade glioma.
  • Stephanie Vairy
  • Gwénaël Le Teuff
  • Francisco Bautista
  • Emilie De Carli
  • Anne-Isabelle Bertozzi
  • Anne Pagnier
  • Fanny Fouyssac
  • Karsten Nysom
  • Isabelle Aerts
  • Pierre Leblond
  • Frederic Millot
  • Claire Berger
  • Sandra Canale
  • Angelo Paci
  • Vianney Poinsignon
  • Aurelie Chevance
  • Monia Ezzalfani
  • Dominique Vidaud
  • Angela Di Giannatale
  • Raquel Hladun-Alvaro
  • Francois M Petit
  • Gilles Vassal
  • Birgit Geoerger
  • Marie-Cécile Le Deley
  • Jacques Grill
  • Neurooncol Adv.2020 Jan-Dec;2(1):vdaa075. vdaa075. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdaa075.Epub 2020-06-09.


Nur77 controls tolerance induction, terminal differentiation, and effector functions in semi-invariant natural killer T cells.
  • Amrendra Kumar
  • Timothy M Hill
  • Laura E Gordy
  • Naveenchandra Suryadevara
  • Lan Wu
  • Andrew I Flyak
  • Jelena S Bezbradica
  • Luc Van Kaer
  • Sebastian Joyce
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2020 Jul;202001665. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2001665117.Epub 2020-07-01.

シングルゲノムシークエンシングを用いた HIV 感染男性と性交渉を行った HIV 感染男性における C 型肝炎の感染経路の評価

Assessing routes of hepatitis C transmission in HIV-infected men who have sex with men using single genome sequencing.
  • Hui Li
  • Kristen M Marks
  • Andrew H Talal
  • Wouter O van Seggelen
  • Bisher Akil
  • Asa Radix
  • Shirish Huprikar
  • Andrea D Branch
  • Shuyi Wang
  • George M Shaw
  • Daniel S Fierer
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235237. PONE-D-20-06018. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235237.Epub 2020-07-15.


Protect MSM from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases by providing mobile health services of partner notification: protocol for a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial.
  • Xiangyu Yan
  • Yongjie Li
  • Hexuan Su
  • Yi Xing
  • Bo Zhang
  • Zuhong Lu
  • Zhongwei Jia
  • BMC Public Health.2020 Jul;20(1):1107. 10.1186/s12889-020-09162-x. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09162-x.Epub 2020-07-14.


Regulatory B Cells and Their Cytokine Profile in HCV-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Association with Regulatory T Cells and Disease Progression.
  • Helal F Hetta
  • Mohamed A Mekky
  • Asmaa M Zahran
  • Mohamed O Abdel-Malek
  • Haidi K Ramadan
  • Engy A Shafik
  • Wael A Abbas
  • Muhammad Abbas El-Masry
  • Nahed A Mohamed
  • Amira A Kamel
  • Najat Marraiki
  • Amany Magdy Beshbishy
  • Gaber El-Saber Batiha
  • Heba A Osman
  • Gopala Koneru
  • Mohamed A El-Mokhtar
  • Vaccines (Basel).2020 Jul;8(3). E380. doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030380.Epub 2020-07-11.


Hepatitis C virus eradication by direct antiviral agents abates oxidative stress in patients with advanced liver fibrosis.
  • Federico Salomone
  • Salvatore Petta
  • Agnieszka Micek
  • Rosaria Maria Pipitone
  • Alfio Distefano
  • Carlo Castruccio Castracane
  • Francesca Rini
  • Michelino Di Rosa
  • Concetta Gardi
  • Vincenza Calvaruso
  • Vito Di Marco
  • Giovanni Li Volti
  • Stefania Grimaudo
  • Antonio Craxì
  • Liver Int..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/liv.14608.Epub 2020-07-15.

血清サンプル中のウイルス性 B 型および C 型肝炎スクリーニングのための市販の迅速診断検査の感度と特異度

Sensitivity and specificity of commercially available rapid diagnostic tests for viral hepatitis B and C screening in serum samples.
  • Ganbolor Jargalsaikhan
  • Miriam Eichner
  • Delgerbat Boldbaatar
  • Purevjargal Bat-Ulzii
  • Oyungerel Lkhagva-Ochir
  • Odgerel Oidovsambuu
  • Bekhbold Dashtseren
  • Erdenebayar Namjil
  • Zulkhuu Genden
  • Dahgwahdorj Yagaanbuyant
  • Alimaa Tuya
  • Naran Gurjav
  • Altankhuu Mordorj
  • Andreas Bungert
  • Naranbaatar Dashdorj
  • Naranjargal Dashdorj
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235036. PONE-D-19-25400. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235036.Epub 2020-07-15.


Investigating the mechanism of impact and differential effect of the Quality Premium scheme on antibiotic prescribing in England: a longitudinal study.
  • Philip Emeka Anyanwu
  • Koen Pouwels
  • Anne Walker
  • Michael Moore
  • Azeem Majeed
  • Benedict W J Hayhoe
  • Sarah Tonkin-Crine
  • Aleksandra Borek
  • Susan Hopkins
  • Monsey Mcleod
  • Céire Costelloe
  • BJGP Open.2020 Jul;bjgpopen20X101052. doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101052.Epub 2020-07-14.


Chemical, Mechanical and Biological Properties of an Adhesive Resin with Alkyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide-loaded Halloysite Nanotubes.
  • Isadora Martini Garcia
  • Vicente Castelo Branco Leitune
  • Rodrigo Alex Arthur
  • Julia Nunes
  • Fernanda Visioli
  • Massimo Giovarruscio
  • Salvatore Sauro
  • Fabrício Mezzomo Collares
  • J Adhes Dent.2020;22(4):399-407. 44871. doi: 10.3290/j.jad.a44871.


Oral switch versus standard intravenous antibiotic therapy in left-sided endocarditis due to susceptible staphylococci, streptococci or enterococci (RODEO): a protocol for two open-label randomised controlled trials.
  • Adrien Lemaignen
  • Louis Bernard
  • Pierre Tattevin
  • Jean-Pierre Bru
  • Xavier Duval
  • Bruno Hoen
  • Solène Brunet-Houdard
  • Jean-Luc Mainardi
  • Agnes Caille
  • BMJ Open.2020 Jul;10(7):e033540. bmjopen-2019-033540. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-033540.Epub 2020-07-14.

結腸癌の前部再切除後の症状と手術後の合併症に対するプロバイオティクスの効果(Effects of PrObiotics on the Symptoms and Surgical ouTComes on the Anterior REsection of Colon Cancer (POSTCARE))。無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照試験

Effects of PrObiotics on the Symptoms and Surgical ouTComes after Anterior REsection of Colon Cancer (POSTCARE): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
  • In Ja Park
  • Ju-Hoon Lee
  • Bong-Hyeon Kye
  • Heung-Kwon Oh
  • Yong Beom Cho
  • You-Tae Kim
  • Joo Yun Kim
  • Na Young Sung
  • Sung-Bum Kang
  • Jeong-Meen Seo
  • Jae-Hun Sim
  • Jung-Lyoul Lee
  • In Kyu Lee
  • J Clin Med.2020 Jul;9(7). E2181. doi: 10.3390/jcm9072181.Epub 2020-07-10.

The association between weight-promoting medication use and weight gain in postmenopausal women: findings from the Women's Health Initiative

The association between weight-promoting medication use and weight gain in postmenopausal women: findings from the Women's Health Initiative.
  • Fatima Cody Stanford
  • Hellas Cena
  • Ginevra Biino
  • Olivia Umoren
  • Monik Jimenez
  • Marlene P Freeman
  • Aladdin H Shadyab
  • Robert A Wild
  • Catherine R Womack
  • Hailey R Banack
  • JoAnn E Manson
  • Menopause.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001589.Epub 2020-07-13.


Protocol adherence rates in superiority and noninferiority randomized clinical trials published in high impact medical journals.
  • Nicolas A Bamat
  • Osayame A Ekhaguere
  • Lingqiao Zhang
  • Dustin D Flannery
  • Sara C Handley
  • Heidi M Herrick
  • Susan S Ellenberg
  • Clin Trials.2020 Jul;:1740774520941428. doi: 10.1177/1740774520941428.Epub 2020-07-15.

胎内でジカウイルスに曝露された乳児における 24 時間ホルター所見:一連の症例

24-hour Holter findings in infants with in-utero exposure to the Zika virus: a series of cases.
  • Dulce Helena Gonçalves Orofino
  • Sonia Regina Lambert Passos
  • Sheila Moura Pone
  • Marcos Vinícius da Silva Pone
  • Elisa Barroso de Aguiar
  • Igo Oliveira de Araújo
  • Thiago Moreira Ramos
  • Letícia Machado Lima E Silva
  • Bruna Menezes de Oliveira
  • Luan Noé da Silva
  • Rafaela Valentim Goldenzon
  • Maria Elizabeth Moreira
  • Raquel de Vasconcellos Carvalhaes de Oliveira
  • Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Sao Paulo.2020;62:e50. S0036-46652020000100606. doi: 10.1590/s1678-9946202062050.Epub 2020-07-13.


Relationship between urinary β -microglobulin concentration and mortality in a cadmium-polluted area in Japan: A 35-year follow-up study.
  • Masaru Sakurai
  • Yasushi Suwazono
  • Muneko Nishijo
  • Kazuhiro Nogawa
  • Yuuka Watanabe
  • Masao Ishizaki
  • Yuko Morikawa
  • Teruhiko Kido
  • Hideaki Nakagawa
  • J Appl Toxicol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/jat.4038.Epub 2020-07-15.

REPRIEVE試験補助研究のヒト免疫不全ウイルスを持つ中高年の身体機能障害と脆弱性 PREPARE

Physical Function Impairment and Frailty in Middle-Aged People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the REPRIEVE Trial Ancillary Study PREPARE.
  • Triin Umbleja
  • Todd T Brown
  • Edgar T Overton
  • Heather J Ribaudo
  • Jennifer A Schrack
  • Kathleen V Fitch
  • Pamela S Douglas
  • Steven K Grinspoon
  • Sarah Henn
  • Roberto C Arduino
  • Benigno Rodriguez
  • Constance A Benson
  • Kristine M Erlandson
  • J. Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;222(Supplement_1):S52-S62. 5869456. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa249.


Characterization of Chilean patients with sporadic colorectal cancer according to the three main carcinogenic pathways: Microsatellite instability, CpG island methylator phenotype and Chromosomal instability.
  • Ana María Wielandt
  • Claudia Hurtado
  • Mauricio Moreno C
  • Cynthia Villarroel
  • Magdalena Castro
  • Marlene Estay
  • Daniela Simian
  • Maripaz Martinez
  • Maria Teresa Vial
  • Udo Kronberg
  • Francisco López-Köstner
  • Tumour Biol..2020 Jul;42(7):1010428320938492. doi: 10.1177/1010428320938492.


Synthesis, characterization and application of a novel ion hybrid imprinted polymer to adsorb Cd(II) in different samples.
  • Anais Adauto
  • Sabir Khan
  • Matheus Augusto da Silva
  • José Anchieta Gomes Neto
  • Gino Picasso
  • Maria Del Pilar Taboada Sotomayor
  • Environ. Res..2020 Aug;187:109669. S0013-9351(20)30562-4. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109669.Epub 2020-05-19.


Clinical course and predictors of 60-day mortality in 239 critically ill patients with COVID-19: a multicenter retrospective study from Wuhan, China.
  • Jiqian Xu
  • Xiaobo Yang
  • Luyu Yang
  • Xiaojing Zou
  • Yaxin Wang
  • Yongran Wu
  • Ting Zhou
  • Yin Yuan
  • Hong Qi
  • Shouzhi Fu
  • Hong Liu
  • Jia'an Xia
  • Zhengqin Xu
  • Yuan Yu
  • Ruiting Li
  • Yaqi Ouyang
  • Rui Wang
  • Lehao Ren
  • Yingying Hu
  • Dan Xu
  • Xin Zhao
  • Shiying Yuan
  • Dingyu Zhang
  • You Shang
  • Crit Care.2020 07;24(1):394. 10.1186/s13054-020-03098-9. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-03098-9.Epub 2020-07-06.


Social Support is Key to Retention in Care during Covid-19 Pandemic among Older People with HIV and Substance Use Disorders in Ukraine.
  • Julia Rozanova
  • Sheela Shenoi
  • Irina Zaviryukha
  • Oleksandr Zeziulin
  • Tetiana Kiriazova
  • Katherine Rich
  • Elmira Mamedova
  • Volodymyr Yariy
  • Subst Use Misuse.2020 Jul;:1-3. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1791183.Epub 2020-07-15.


CuO nanorods as a laccase mimicking enzyme for highly sensitive colorimetric and electrochemical dual biosensor: Application in living cell epinephrine analysis.
  • Negar Alizadeh
  • Shadi Ghasemi
  • Abdollah Salimi
  • Tsun-Kong Sham
  • Rahman Hallaj
  • Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2020 Jun;195:111228. S0927-7765(20)30584-1. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.111228.Epub 2020-06-30.

大規模藻類であるStoechospermum margatumからのバイオディーゼルを燃料とする圧縮点火エンジンの燃焼挙動を予測する

Predicting the combustion behaviour of compression ignition engine fuelled with biodiesel from Stoechospermum marginatum, a macro algae.
  • Hariram Venkatesan
  • Godwin John John Rose
  • Preethi Vijayarengan
  • Seralathan Sivamani
  • Jagannathan Krishnan
  • Micha Premkumar Thomai
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 Jul;10.1007/s11356-020-10048-z. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-10048-z.Epub 2020-07-10.

ステアリドン含有大豆油は、Akkermansia Muciniphila とは独立して、肥満、グルコース代謝、および脂肪酸のプロファイルを修飾する

Stearidonic-Enriched Soybean Oil Modulates Obesity, Glucose Metabolism, and Fatty Acid Profiles Independently of Akkermansia Muciniphila.
  • Rafael R Segura Munoz
  • Truyen Quach
  • João C Gomes-Neto
  • Yibo Xian
  • Pamela A Pena
  • Steven Weier
  • Michael A Pellizzon
  • Hatem Kittana
  • Liz A Cody
  • Abby L Geis
  • Kari Heck
  • Robert J Schmaltz
  • Laure B Bindels
  • Edgar B Cahoon
  • Andrew K Benson
  • Tom Elmo Clemente
  • Amanda E Ramer-Tait
  • Mol Nutr Food Res.2020 Jul;:e2000162. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.202000162.Epub 2020-07-12.


Changes in dietary patterns when females engage in a weight management programme and their ability to meet Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition's fibre and sugar recommendations.
  • Lauren Strathearn
  • H K Kaçar
  • A Avery
  • Public Health Nutr.2020 Aug;23(12):2189-2198. S1368980019004762. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019004762.Epub 2020-04-16.


Comparison of the cytoplastic genomes by resequencing: insights into the genetic diversity and the phylogeny of the agriculturally important genus Brassica.
  • Jiangwei Qiao
  • Xiaojun Zhang
  • Biyun Chen
  • Fei Huang
  • Kun Xu
  • Qian Huang
  • Yi Huang
  • Qiong Hu
  • Xiaoming Wu
  • BMC Genomics.2020 Jul;21(1):480. 10.1186/s12864-020-06889-0. doi: 10.1186/s12864-020-06889-0.Epub 2020-07-13.


Eleven Monovarietal Extra Virgin Olive Oils from Olives Grown and Processed under the Same Conditions: Effect of the Cultivar on the Chemical Composition and Sensory Traits.
  • Giuseppe Di Lecce
  • Maria Piochi
  • Deborah Pacetti
  • Natale G Frega
  • Edoardo Bartolucci
  • Serena Scortichini
  • Dennis Fiorini
  • Foods.2020 Jul;9(7). E904. doi: 10.3390/foods9070904.Epub 2020-07-09.


Next-Generation Sequencing of T and B Cell Receptor Repertoires from COVID-19 Patients Showed Signatures Associated with Severity of Disease.
  • Christoph Schultheiß
  • Lisa Paschold
  • Donjete Simnica
  • Malte Mohme
  • Edith Willscher
  • Lisa von Wenserski
  • Rebekka Scholz
  • Imke Wieters
  • Christine Dahlke
  • Eva Tolosa
  • Daniel G Sedding
  • Sandra Ciesek
  • Marylyn Addo
  • Mascha Binder
  • Immunity.2020 Jun;S1074-7613(20)30279-X. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.06.024.Epub 2020-06-30.


Genome Mining-Based Discovery of Fungal Macrolides Modified by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-Ethanolamine Phosphate Transferase Homologues.
  • Yohei Morishita
  • Yu Aoki
  • Mei Ito
  • Daisuke Hagiwara
  • Kensho Torimaru
  • Daichi Morita
  • Teruo Kuroda
  • Hanako Fukano
  • Yoshihiko Hoshino
  • Masato Suzuki
  • Tohru Taniguchi
  • Keiji Mori
  • Teigo Asai
  • Org. Lett..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c01975.Epub 2020-07-14.


The DNA methylation landscape of advanced prostate cancer.
  • Shuang G Zhao
  • William S Chen
  • Haolong Li
  • Adam Foye
  • Meng Zhang
  • Martin Sjöström
  • Rahul Aggarwal
  • Denise Playdle
  • Arnold Liao
  • Joshi J Alumkal
  • Rajdeep Das
  • Jonathan Chou
  • Junjie T Hua
  • Travis J Barnard
  • Adina M Bailey
  • Eric D Chow
  • Marc D Perry
  • Ha X Dang
  • Rendong Yang
  • Ruhollah Moussavi-Baygi
  • Li Zhang
  • Mohammed Alshalalfa
  • S Laura Chang
  • Kathleen E Houlahan
  • Yu-Jia Shiah
  • Tomasz M Beer
  • George Thomas
  • Kim N Chi
  • Martin Gleave
  • Amina Zoubeidi
  • Robert E Reiter
  • Matthew B Rettig
  • Owen Witte
  • M Yvonne Kim
  • Lawrence Fong
  • Daniel E Spratt
  • Todd M Morgan
  • Rohit Bose
  • Franklin W Huang
  • Hui Li
  • Lisa Chesner
  • Tanushree Shenoy
  • Hani Goodarzi
  • Irfan A Asangani
  • Shahneen Sandhu
  • Joshua M Lang
  • Nupam P Mahajan
  • Primo N Lara
  • Christopher P Evans
  • Phillip Febbo
  • Serafim Batzoglou
  • Karen E Knudsen
  • Housheng H He
  • Jiaoti Huang
  • Wilbert Zwart
  • Joseph F Costello
  • Jianhua Luo
  • Scott A Tomlins
  • Alexander W Wyatt
  • Scott M Dehm
  • Alan Ashworth
  • Luke A Gilbert
  • Paul C Boutros
  • Kyle Farh
  • Arul M Chinnaiyan
  • Christopher A Maher
  • Eric J Small
  • David A Quigley
  • Felix Y Feng
  • Nat. Genet..2020 Jul;10.1038/s41588-020-0648-8. doi: 10.1038/s41588-020-0648-8.Epub 2020-07-13.

Corynebacteriaの脂質種の生物多様性を解き明かす-質量分析によるC. glutamicumと病原体C. striatumの珍しい脂質ファミリーの特徴を明らかにした

Unveiling the biodiversity of lipid species in Corynebacteria- characterization of the uncommon lipid families in C. glutamicum and pathogen C. striatum by mass spectrometry.
  • Hay-Yan Wang
  • Raju V V Tatituri
  • Nicholas K Goldner
  • Gautam Dantas
  • Fong-Fu Hsu
  • Biochimie.2020 Jul;S0300-9084(20)30156-5. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.07.002.Epub 2020-07-10.

海洋油流出事故のバイオレメディエーション用バイオ界面活性剤Bacillus cereus UCP 1615の製造、特性評価、毒性評価

Production, characterization, evaluation and toxicity assessment of a Bacillus cereus UCP 1615 biosurfactant for marine oil spills bioremediation.
  • Italo José B Durval
  • Ana Helena R Mendonça
  • Igor V Rocha
  • Juliana M Luna
  • Raquel D Rufino
  • A Converti
  • L A Sarubbo
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Aug;157:111357. S0025-326X(20)30475-6. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111357.Epub 2020-06-07.


Distributions, quality assessments and fluxes of heavy metals carried by submarine groundwater discharge in different types of wetlands in Jiaozhou Bay, China.
  • Wenjing Qu
  • Chaoyue Wang
  • Manhua Luo
  • Chunmiao Zheng
  • Hailong Li
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Aug;157:111310. S0025-326X(20)30428-8. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111310.Epub 2020-06-05.