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Biogeography of ocean acidification: Differential field performance of transplanted mussels to upwelling-driven variation in carbonate chemistry.
  • Jeremy M Rose
  • Carol A Blanchette
  • Francis Chan
  • Tarik C Gouhier
  • Peter T Raimondi
  • Eric Sanford
  • Bruce A Menge
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0234075. PONE-D-19-26465. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234075.Epub 2020-07-17.

サザンエスティオピアのハッサッサ大学総合専門病院(Hawassa, サザンエスティオピア)でのHIV感染者の成人における細菌性尿路感染症、危険因子、薬剤感受性プロファイル

Bacterial associated urinary tract infection, risk factors, and drug susceptibility profile among adult people living with HIV at Haswassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, Southern Esthiopia.
  • Netsanet Nigusse Tessema
  • Musa Mohammed Ali
  • Mengistu Hyilemeriam Zenebe
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):10790. 10.1038/s41598-020-67840-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67840-7.Epub 2020-07-01.


Endothelial damage and dysfunction in acute graft-versus-host disease.
  • Steffen Cordes
  • Zeinab Mokhtari
  • Maria Bartosova
  • Sarah Mertlitz
  • Katarina Riesner
  • Yu Shi
  • Jörg Mengwasser
  • Martina Kalupa
  • Aleixandria McGeary
  • Johanna Schleifenbaum
  • Jens Schrezenmeier
  • Lars Bullinger
  • Maribel Diaz-Ricart
  • Marta Palomo
  • Enric Carrreras
  • Gernot Beutel
  • Claus Peter Schmitt
  • Andreas Beilhack
  • Olaf Penack
  • Haematologica.2020 Jul;haematol.2020.253716. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2020.253716.Epub 2020-07-16.


Clinical, Hematologic, Biologic and Molecular Characteristics of Patients with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and a Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia-Like Phenotype.
  • Sonja Heibl
  • Bettina Gisslinger
  • Eva Jäger
  • Agnes Barna
  • Michael Gurbisz
  • Maike Stegemann
  • Peter Bettelheim
  • Sigrid Machherndl-Spandl
  • Michael Pfeilstöcker
  • Thomas Nösslinger
  • Gökhan Uyanik
  • Gregor Hoermann
  • Reinhard Stauder
  • Josef Thaler
  • Rajko Kusec
  • Peter Valent
  • Heinz Gisslinger
  • Klaus Geissler
  • Cancers (Basel).2020 Jul;12(7). E1891. doi: 10.3390/cancers12071891.Epub 2020-07-14.


Development and validation of a method using ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for determination of zoledronic acid concentration in human bone.
  • Alfredo Fabrizio Lo Faro
  • Raffaele Giorgetti
  • Francesco Paolo Busardò
  • Giovanni Lodi
  • Valeria Martini
  • Alberto Pispero
  • Marcello Iriti
  • Elena Maria Varoni
  • J Pharm Biomed Anal.2019 Jan;162:286-290. S0731-7085(18)31821-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2018.09.042.Epub 2018-09-20.


Efficiency and cell viability implications using tip type electroporation in zebrafish sperm cells.
  • Larissa O Daneluz
  • Izani B Acosta
  • Leandro S Nunes
  • Eduardo B Blodorn
  • William B Domingues
  • Amanda W S Martins
  • Eduardo N Dellagostin
  • Gabriela T Rassier
  • Carine D Corcini
  • Charles N Fróes
  • Eliza R Komninou
  • Antônio S Varela
  • Vinicius F Campos
  • Mol. Biol. Rep..2020 Jul;10.1007/s11033-020-05658-2. doi: 10.1007/s11033-020-05658-2.Epub 2020-07-13.


Carbamazepine conquers spinal GAP43 deficiency and sciatic Nav1.5 upregulation in diabetic mice: novel mechanisms in alleviating allodynia and hyperalgesia.
  • Nagla A El-Sherbeeny
  • Afaf T Ibrahiem
  • Howaida S Ali
  • Noha E Farag
  • Eman A Toraih
  • Sawsan A Zaitone
  • Arch. Pharm. Res..2020 Jul;10.1007/s12272-020-01249-8. doi: 10.1007/s12272-020-01249-8.Epub 2020-07-16.


STING promotes NLRP3 localization in ER and facilitates NLRP3 deubiquitination to activate the inflammasome upon HSV-1 infection.
  • Wenbiao Wang
  • Dingwen Hu
  • Caifeng Wu
  • Yuqian Feng
  • Aixin Li
  • Weiyong Liu
  • Yingchong Wang
  • Keli Chen
  • Mingfu Tian
  • Feng Xiao
  • Qi Zhang
  • Muhammad Adnan Shereen
  • Weijie Chen
  • Pan Pan
  • Pin Wan
  • Kailang Wu
  • Jianguo Wu
  • PLoS Pathog..2020 03;16(3):e1008335. PPATHOGENS-D-19-01557. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008335.Epub 2020-03-18.


Association of home and ambulatory blood pressure variability with left ventricular mass index in chronic kidney disease patients.
  • Konstantinos Manousopoulos
  • Eleni Koroboki
  • Gerassimos Barlas
  • Aikaterini Lykka
  • Nefeli Tsoutsoura
  • Konstantina Flessa
  • Ioannis Kanakakis
  • Ioannis Paraskevaidis
  • Nikolaos Zakopoulos
  • Efstathios Manios
  • Hypertens. Res..2020 Jul;10.1038/s41440-020-0512-3. doi: 10.1038/s41440-020-0512-3.Epub 2020-07-16.


Sensory Profiling and Consumer Acceptance of Pasta, Bread, and Granola Bar Fortified with Dried Olive Pomace (Pâté): A Byproduct from Virgin Olive Oil Production.
  • Lorenzo Cecchi
  • Noah Schuster
  • Dan Flynn
  • Rose Bechtel
  • Maria Bellumori
  • Marzia Innocenti
  • Nadia Mulinacci
  • Jean-Xavier Guinard
  • J. Food Sci..2019 Oct;84(10):2995-3008. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14800.Epub 2019-09-23.

第 Xa 因子阻害薬関連頭蓋内出血患者におけるアンデキサネットアルファの実使用に関する 18 ヶ月間の単施設観察研究

An 18-month single-center observational study of real-world use of andexanet alfa in patients with factor Xa inhibitor associated intracranial hemorrhage.
  • Amarilis Giovino
  • Eileen Shomo
  • Kirsten V Busey
  • Daniel Case
  • Alan Brockhurst
  • Mauricio Concha
  • Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2020 Jul;195:106070. S0303-8467(20)30413-3. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2020.106070.Epub 2020-07-04.

Plasmodium knowlesiに対するPlasmodium vivax血液段階抗原に対する抗体の種を超えた反応性

Cross-species reactivity of antibodies against Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens to Plasmodium knowlesi.
  • Fauzi Muh
  • Namhyeok Kim
  • Myat Htut Nyunt
  • Egy Rahman Firdaus
  • Jin-Hee Han
  • Mohammad Rafiul Hoque
  • Seong-Kyun Lee
  • Ji-Hoon Park
  • Robert W Moon
  • Yee Ling Lau
  • Osamu Kaneko
  • Eun-Taek Han
  • PLoS Negl Trop Dis.2020 Jun;14(6):e0008323. PNTD-D-19-02048. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008323.Epub 2020-06-19.


Outcomes of microdebrider-assisted versus radiofrequency-assisted inferior turbinate reduction surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional randomised studies.
  • A A Mirza
  • T A Alandejani
  • H Y Shawli
  • M S Alsamel
  • M O Albakrei
  • H M Abdulazeem
  • Rhinology.2020 Jul;2549. doi: 10.4193/Rhin19.350.Epub 2020-07-17.


On the understanding of zinc-oxide eugenol cement use prior to etch-rinse bonding strategies.
  • Catarina Pires Bezerra
  • Cristiano Fukugawa Campos
  • Julio Leite
  • Marina Struncová Fernandes
  • Cintia Helena Coury Saraceni
  • Flávia Pires Rodrigues
  • Maristela Dutra-Correa
  • Indian J Dent Res.2019 May-Jun;30(3):424-427. IndianJDentRes_2019_30_3_424_264114. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_302_16.


Clinical response among golimumab-treated Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis by number of previous biologic therapies: Real-world evidence from analysis of post-marketing surveillance data.
  • Hirohito Shimizu
  • Hisanori Kobayashi
  • Masayoshi Kanbori
  • Yutaka Ishii
  • Mod Rheumatol.2020 Jul;:1-20. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2020.1797283.Epub 2020-07-17.


Multidisciplinary consensus recommendations from a European network for the diagnosis and practical management of patients with incontinentia pigmenti.
  • C Bodemer
  • A Diociaiuti
  • S Hadj-Rabia
  • M P Robert
  • I Desguerre
  • M-C Manière
  • M de la Dure-Molla
  • P De Liso
  • M Federici
  • A Galeotti
  • F Fusco
  • S Fraitag
  • C Demily
  • C Taieb
  • M Valeria Ursini
  • M El Hachem
  • J Steffann
  • J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.2020 Jul;34(7):1415-1424. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16403.


Development and application of an elastic net logistic regression model to investigate the impact of cardiac substructure dose on radiation-induced pericardial effusion in patients with NSCLC.
  • Joshua S Niedzielski
  • Xiong Wei
  • Ting Xu
  • Daniel R Gomez
  • Zhongxing Liao
  • James A Bankson
  • Stephen Y Lai
  • Laurence E Court
  • Jinzhong Yang
  • Acta Oncol.2020 Jul;:1-8. doi: 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1794034.Epub 2020-07-17.


Effect of carbon source on pollutant removal and microbial community dynamics in treatment of swine wastewater containing antibiotics by aerobic granular sludge.
  • Xiaochun Wang
  • Zhonglin Chen
  • Jimin Shen
  • Jing Kang
  • Xiaolei Zhang
  • Ji Li
  • Xia Zhao
  • Chemosphere.2020 Jul;260:127544. S0045-6535(20)31739-2. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127544.Epub 2020-07-10.


Implementation and outcomes of the RAPID programme: Addressing the front end of the lung cancer pathway in Manchester.
  • Matthew Evison
  • Kath Hewitt
  • Judith Lyons
  • Phil Crosbie
  • Haval Balata
  • Caroline Gee
  • Rebecca Duerden
  • Melanie Greaves
  • Anna Sharman
  • Richard Booton
  • Clin Med (Lond).2020 Jul;20(4):401-405. 20/4/401. doi: 10.7861/clinmed.2019-0218.

アフリカハリネズミ Atelerix albiventris の血液にはトリパノソーマ・コンゴレンセを殺す 115kDa のトリパノ分解タンパク質が含まれていた

Blood of African Hedgehog Atelerix albiventris Contains 115-kDa Trypanolytic Protein that Kills Trypanosoma congolense.
  • Abubakar Lema Abdullahi
  • Emmanuel Oluwadare Balogun
  • Aminu Bashir Yusuf
  • Oluwafemi Abiodun Adepoju
  • Bashiru Ibrahim
  • Flore Gouegni
  • Amaya Jobin Habila
  • Sunday Eneojo Atawodi
  • Mohammed Nasir Shuaibu
  • Mohammed Mamman
  • Andrew Jonathan Nok
  • Acta Parasitol..2020 May;10.2478/s11686-020-00211-4. doi: 10.2478/s11686-020-00211-4.Epub 2020-05-08.


Endoscopic submucosal dissection with an additional working channel (ESD+): a novel technique to improve procedure time and safety of ESD.
  • Richard F Knoop
  • Edris Wedi
  • Golo Petzold
  • Sebastian C B Bremer
  • Ahmad Amanzada
  • Volker Ellenrieder
  • Albrecht Neesse
  • Steffen Kunsch
  • Surg Endosc.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00464-020-07808-w. doi: 10.1007/s00464-020-07808-w.Epub 2020-07-16.


Aflatoxin B1 induces reactive oxygen species-dependent caspase-mediated apoptosis in normal human cells, inhibits Allium cepa root cell division, and triggers inflammatory response in zebrafish larvae.
  • Debasish Kumar Dey
  • Sun Chul Kang
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 May;737:139704. S0048-9697(20)33224-1. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139704.Epub 2020-05-26.


A 3D biofabricated cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma tissue model with multi-channel confocal microscopy imaging biomarkers to quantify antitumor effects of chemotherapeutics in tissue.
  • James R Browning
  • Paige Derr
  • Kristy Derr
  • Nicole Doudican
  • Sam Michael
  • Samantha R Lish
  • Nicholas A Taylor
  • James G Krueger
  • Marc Ferrer
  • John A Carucci
  • Daniel S Gareau
  • Oncotarget.2020 Jul;11(27):2587-2596. 27570. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.27570.Epub 2020-07-07.


Single-Cell Transcriptome Profiling of the Kidney Glomerulus Identifies Key Cell Types and Reactions to Injury.
  • Jun-Jae Chung
  • Leonard Goldstein
  • Ying-Jiun J Chen
  • Jiyeon Lee
  • Joshua D Webster
  • Merone Roose-Girma
  • Sharad C Paudyal
  • Zora Modrusan
  • Anwesha Dey
  • Andrey S Shaw
  • J. Am. Soc. Nephrol..2020 Jul;ASN.2020020220. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2020020220.Epub 2020-07-10.

腫瘍線維芽細胞増殖因子受容体 4 レベルは、進行肝細胞癌患者におけるレンバチニブの有効性を予測する

Tumor Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4 Level Predicts the Efficacy of Lenvatinib in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
  • Masami Yamauchi
  • Atsushi Ono
  • Akira Ishikawa
  • Kenichiro Kodama
  • Shinsuke Uchikawa
  • Haruna Hatooka
  • Peiyi Zhang
  • Yuji Teraoka
  • Kei Morio
  • Hatsue Fujino
  • Takashi Nakahara
  • Eisuke Murakami
  • Daiki Miki
  • Tomokazu Kawaoka
  • Masataka Tsuge
  • Akira Hiramatsu
  • Michio Imamura
  • Clair Nelson Hayes
  • Masashi Fujita
  • Hidewaki Nakagawa
  • Wataru Yasui
  • Hiroshi Aikata
  • Kazuaki Chayama
  • Clin Transl Gastroenterol.2020 May;11(5):e00179. 01720094-202005000-00004. doi: 10.14309/ctg.0000000000000179.


Self-reported snoring patterns predict stroke events in high-risk patients with obstructive sleep apnea: post-hoc analyses of the SAVE study.
  • Jingwei Li
  • R Doug McEvoy
  • Danni Zheng
  • Kelly A Loffler
  • Xia Wang
  • Susan Redline
  • Richard J Woodman
  • Craig S Anderson
  • Chest.2020 Jul;S0012-3692(20)31882-1. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.05.615.Epub 2020-07-14.