
WHITE CROSSは、歯科・医療現場で働く方を対象に、良質な歯科医療情報の提供を目的とした会員制サイトです。



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市販後の有害事象データを用いたベヘントリモニウム塩化物配合のリーブオンボディローションのin vitroおよび臨床安全性評価の確認

Confirmation of in vitro and clinical safety assessment of behentrimonium chloride-containing leave-on body lotions using post-marketing adverse event data.
  • D M Cameron
  • D A Donahue
  • G-E Costin
  • L E Kaufman
  • J Avalos
  • M E Downey
  • W L Billhimer
  • S Gilpin
  • N Wilt
  • F A Simion
  • Toxicol In Vitro.2013 Dec;27(8):2203-12. S0887-2333(13)00225-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2013.09.016.Epub 2013-09-21.


Usefulness of Neuromuscular Co-morbidity, Left Bundle Branch Block, and Atrial Fibrillation to Predict the Long-Term Prognosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrabeculation/Noncompaction.
  • Claudia Stöllberger
  • Matthias Hasun
  • Maria Winkler-Dworak
  • Josef Finsterer
  • Am. J. Cardiol..2020 Aug;128:168-173. S0002-9149(20)30461-6. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2020.04.040.Epub 2020-05-13.


Health technology assessment and priority setting for universal health coverage: a qualitative study of stakeholders' capacity, needs, policy areas of demand and perspectives in Nigeria.
  • Benjamin S C Uzochukwu
  • Chinyere Okeke
  • Niki O'Brien
  • Francis Ruiz
  • Issiaka Sombie
  • Samantha Hollingworth
  • Global Health.2020 Jul;16(1):58. 10.1186/s12992-020-00583-2. doi: 10.1186/s12992-020-00583-2.Epub 2020-07-08.


Identification of impact odorants contributing to fresh mushroom off-flavor in wines: incidence of their reactivity with nitrogen compounds on the decrease of the olfactory defect.
  • Monique Pons
  • Brunhilde Dauphin
  • Stephane La Guerche
  • Alexandre Pons
  • Valérie Lavigne-Cruege
  • Svitlana Shinkaruk
  • Denis Bunner
  • Tristan Richard
  • Jean-Pierre Monti
  • Philippe Darriet
  • J. Agric. Food Chem..2011 Apr;59(7):3264-72. doi: 10.1021/jf104215a.Epub 2011-03-08.


Sulforaphane controls the release of paracrine factors by keratinocytes and thus mitigates particulate matter-induced premature skin aging by suppressing melanogenesis and maintaining collagen homeostasis.
  • Hyun Ju Ko
  • Jin Hwa Kim
  • Geun Soo Lee
  • Taekyun Shin
  • Phytomedicine.2020 Jul;77:153276. S0944-7113(20)30107-0. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2020.153276.Epub 2020-07-01.


Complete zwitterionic double network hydrogels with great toughness and resistance against foreign body reaction and thrombus.
  • Kang-Ting Huang
  • Pai-Shan Hsieh
  • Lien-Guo Dai
  • Chun-Jen Huang
  • J Mater Chem B.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1039/d0tb01163k.Epub 2020-07-13.


Transcriptome analysis indicates dominant effects on ribosome and mitochondrial function of a premature termination codon mutation in the zebrafish gene psen2.
  • Haowei Jiang
  • Stephen Martin Pederson
  • Morgan Newman
  • Yang Dong
  • Karissa Barthelson
  • Michael Lardelli
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0232559. PONE-D-20-10778. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232559.Epub 2020-07-13.


Countertransference Processes in Psychodynamic Therapy with Dependent (Anaclitic) Depressed Patients: A Qualitative Study Using Supervision Data.
  • Vicky Hennissen
  • Reitske Meganck
  • Kimberly Van Nieuwenhove
  • Juri Krivzov
  • Dries Dulsster
  • Mattias Desmet
  • Psychodyn Psychiatry.2020;48(2):170-200. doi: 10.1521/pdps.2020.48.2.170.


Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection fatality rate by real-time antibody screening of blood donors.
  • Christian Erikstrup
  • Christoffer Egeberg Hother
  • Ole Birger Vestager Pedersen
  • Kåre Mølbak
  • Robert Leo Skov
  • Dorte Kinggaard Holm
  • Susanne Gjørup Sækmose
  • Anna Christine Nilsson
  • Patrick Terrence Brooks
  • Jens Kjærgaard Boldsen
  • Christina Mikkelsen
  • Mikkel Gybel-Brask
  • Erik Sørensen
  • Khoa Manh Dinh
  • Susan Mikkelsen
  • Bjarne Kuno Møller
  • Thure Haunstrup
  • Lene Harritshøj
  • Bitten Aagaard Jensen
  • Henrik Hjalgrim
  • Søren Thue Lillevang
  • Henrik Ullum
  • Clin. Infect. Dis..2020 Jun;ciaa849. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa849.Epub 2020-06-25.

グアノシン+ケタミンの亜閾値投与により、コルチコステロンによるうつ病モデルマウスにおいて、抗うつ薬様効果が得られることを明らかにした。GR/NF-κB/IDO-1 シグナルの役割

Subthreshold doses of guanosine plus ketamine elicit antidepressant-like effect in a mouse model of depression induced by corticosterone: Role of GR/NF-κB/IDO-1 signaling.
  • Anderson Camargo
  • Ana P Dalmagro
  • Julia M Rosa
  • Ana Lúcia B Zeni
  • Manuella P Kaster
  • Carla I Tasca
  • Ana Lúcia S Rodrigues
  • Neurochem. Int..2020 Jul;:104797. S0197-0186(20)30188-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2020.104797.Epub 2020-07-08.


Real-world experience with direct brain-responsive neurostimulation for focal onset seizures.
  • Babak Razavi
  • Vikram R Rao
  • Christine Lin
  • Krzysztof A Bujarski
  • Sanjay E Patra
  • David E Burdette
  • Eric B Geller
  • Mesha-Gay M Brown
  • Emily A Johnson
  • Cornelia Drees
  • Edward F Chang
  • Janet E Greenwood
  • Christianne N Heck
  • Barbara C Jobst
  • Ryder P Gwinn
  • Nicole M Warner
  • Casey H Halpern
  • Epilepsia.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/epi.16593.Epub 2020-07-13.


Antitumor effects of citrinin in an animal model of Sarcoma 180 via cytogenetic mechanisms.
  • José Williams Gomes de Oliveira Filho
  • Teresinha de Jesus Aguiar Dos Santos Andrade
  • Rosália Maria Tôrres De Lima
  • Antonielly Campinho Dos Reis
  • Aneela Hameed
  • José Victor de Oliveira Santos
  • Muhammad Inam Afzal
  • Ag-Anne Pereira Melo De Menezes
  • Marcus Vinícius Oliveira Barros De Alencar
  • Dulce Helena Siqueira Silva
  • Ana Carolina Soares Dias
  • José Roberto de Oliveira Ferreira
  • Muhammad Torequl Islam
  • Paulo Michel Pinheiro Ferreira
  • Bahare Salehi
  • Muhammad Qamar
  • Muhammad Umer
  • Muhammad Imran
  • Javad Sharifi-Rad
  • Natália Martins
  • João Marcelo De Castro E Sousa
  • Ana Amélia de Carvalho Melo Cavalcante
  • Cell. Mol. Biol. (Noisy-le-grand).2020 Jun;66(4):120-126. Epub 2020-06-25.


TLR-mediated activation of Waldenström macroglobulinemia B cells reveals an uncoupling from plasma cell differentiation.
  • Jennifer Shrimpton
  • Matthew A Care
  • Jonathan Carmichael
  • Kieran Walker
  • Paul Evans
  • Charlotte Evans
  • Ruth de Tute
  • Roger Owen
  • Reuben M Tooze
  • Gina M Doody
  • Blood Adv.2020 Jun;4(12):2821-2836. 461073. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019001279.


Digestibility of amino acids and concentrations of metabolizable energy and net energy are greater in high-shear dry soybean expellers than in soybean meal when fed to growing pigs.
  • Diego A Rodriguez
  • Su A Lee
  • Hans H Stein
  • J. Anim. Sci..2020 Jul;skaa215. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa215.Epub 2020-07-13.


Anticonvulsant and analgesic in neuropathic pain activity in a group of new aminoalkanol derivatives.
  • Katarzyna Pańczyk
  • Anna Rapacz
  • Anna Furgała-Wojas
  • Kinga Sałat
  • Paulina Koczurkiewicz-Adamczyk
  • Martyna Łucjanek
  • Iwona Skiba-Kurek
  • Elżbieta Karczewska
  • Aleksandra Sowa
  • Dorota Żelaszczyk
  • Agata Siwek
  • Justyna Popiół
  • Elżbieta Pękala
  • Henryk Marona
  • Anna Waszkielewicz
  • Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett..2020 Aug;30(16):127325. S0960-894X(20)30436-4. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2020.127325.Epub 2020-06-07.


Patterns of early change in interpersonal problems and their relationship to nonverbal synchrony and multidimensional outcome.
  • Wolfgang Lutz
  • Jessica N Prinz
  • Brian Schwartz
  • Jane Paulick
  • Desiree Schoenherr
  • Anne-Katharina Deisenhofer
  • Patrick Terhürne
  • Kaitlyn Boyle
  • Uwe Altmann
  • Bernhard Strauß
  • Eshkol Rafaeli
  • Dana Atzil-Slonim
  • Eran Bar-Kalifa
  • Julian Rubel
  • J Couns Psychol.2020 Jul;67(4):449-461. 2020-46941-004. doi: 10.1037/cou0000376.


Anxiety and genetic polymorphisms in catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and serotonin transportation gene (5HTT) are associated with benign migratory glossitis.
  • Rafaela Scariot
  • Aline Monise Sebastiani
  • Michelle Nascimento Meger
  • Vinicius Theodoro Broska
  • Juliana Feltrin Souza
  • Antonio Adilson Lima
  • João Armando Brancher
  • Cleber Machado de Souza
  • Paulo Henrique Couto Souza
  • Paula Cristina Trevillato
  • Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol.2019 Mar;127(3):218-224. S2212-4403(18)31238-0. doi: 10.1016/j.oooo.2018.10.011.Epub 2018-11-10.


Acute care surgery, trauma and disaster relief: a clinical exchange between the University of British Columbia and the Mexican Red Cross.
  • Joseph Margolick
  • Lu Yin
  • Shahrzad Joharifard
  • Avi Afya
  • Maria de Los Angeles Mendoza Velez
  • Edgar Meza
  • Salim Sohani
  • Charlotte Laane
  • Elenor Ball-Banting
  • Emilie Joos
  • Can J Surg.2020 Jul;63(4):E338-E345. doi: 10.1503/cjs.004719.Epub 2020-07-09.

ヒ トモノアミンオキシダーゼ(hMAO)AおよびhMAO B阻害剤:アルテミシア・ドラキュンクルスL.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤ヘルニアリンおよびスキミン:A. dracunculus L.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤

human monoamine oxidase (hMAO) A and hMAO B inhibitors from Artemisia dracunculus L. herniarin and skimmin: human mononamine oxidase A and B inhibitors from A. dracunculus L.
  • Tuba Aydin
  • Hulya Akincioglu
  • Mehmet Gumustas
  • Ilhami Gulcin
  • Cavit Kazaz
  • Ahmet Cakir
  • Z. Naturforsch., C, J. Biosci..2020 Jun;/j/znc.ahead-of-print/znc-2019-0227/znc-2019-0227.xml. doi: 10.1515/znc-2019-0227.Epub 2020-06-29.

アルテミシア・ドラキュンクルスL.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼ(hMAO)AおよびhMAO B阻害剤:ヘルニアリンおよびスキミン:A. dracunculus L.由来のヒトモノアミンオキシダーゼAおよびB阻害剤

human monoamine oxidase (hMAO) A and hMAO B inhibitors from Artemisia dracunculus L. herniarin and skimmin: human mononamine oxidase A and B inhibitors from A. dracunculus L.
  • Tuba Aydin
  • Hulya Akincioglu
  • Mehmet Gumustas
  • Ilhami Gulcin
  • Cavit Kazaz
  • Ahmet Cakir
  • Z. Naturforsch., C, J. Biosci..2020 Jun;/j/znc.ahead-of-print/znc-2019-0227/znc-2019-0227.xml. doi: 10.1515/znc-2019-0227.Epub 2020-06-29.


Assessment of stress markers in restrained individuals following physical stress with and without sham CED activation.
  • Christian Sloane
  • Deborah C Mash
  • Theodore C Chan
  • Fred Kolkhorst
  • Tom Neuman
  • Edward M Castillo
  • Daniel Lasoff
  • Gabriel Wardi
  • Xiaobin Xie
  • Gary M Vilke
  • J Forensic Leg Med.2020 Jun;74:101982. S1752-928X(20)30089-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2020.101982.Epub 2020-06-26.


Acute continuous nocturnal light exposure decreases BSR under sevoflurane anesthesia in C57BL/6J mice: possible role of differentially spared light-sensitive pathways under anesthesia.
  • Daiqiang Liu
  • Xinfeng Chen
  • Yujie Huang
  • Shuang Zhang
  • Jiayi Wu
  • Jiayan Li
  • Dan Wang
  • Bo Tian
  • Wei Mei
  • Am J Transl Res.2020;12(6):2843-2859. Epub 2020-06-15.


Ketamine mouthwash versus placebo in the treatment of severe oral mucositis pain in children with cancer: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
  • Satya Prakash
  • Jagdish Prasad Meena
  • Aditya Kumar Gupta
  • Sameer Bakhshi
  • Thirumurthy Velpandian
  • R M Pandey
  • Rachna Seth
  • Pediatr Blood Cancer.2020 Jul;:e28573. doi: 10.1002/pbc.28573.Epub 2020-07-10.


Seasonal characteristic composition of inorganic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric fine particulate matter and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of COPD patients in Northeast China.
  • Chunli Che
  • Jialin Li
  • Fushi Dong
  • Chunling Zhang
  • Lu Liu
  • Xiazhong Sun
  • Lixin Ma
  • Hong Qi
  • Kun Wang
  • Respir Med.2020 Jul;171:106082. S0954-6111(20)30222-5. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2020.106082.Epub 2020-07-06.


Impact of Education on Knowledge and Practice of Kala Azar Preventive Measures among Seasonal and Migrant Agricultural Workers in Northwest Ethiopia.
  • Mekuriaw Alemayehu
  • Lucy Paintain
  • Cherinet Adera
  • Resome Berhe
  • Abebaw Gebeyehu
  • Zemichael Gizaw
  • Merce Herrero
  • Abate Mulugeta Beshah
  • Margriet Den Boer
  • Adane Nigusie
  • Meseret Alem
  • Enyew Yechale
  • Dia-Eldin A Elnaiem
  • Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg..2020 04;102(4):758-767. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0079.

自己免疫性肝炎における自己反応性CD4 T細胞の統合的分子プロファイリング

Integrative molecular profiling of autoreactive CD4 T cells in autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Amédée Renand
  • Iñaki Cervera-Marzal
  • Laurine Gil
  • Chuang Dong
  • Alexandra Garcia
  • Erwan Kervagoret
  • Hélène Auble
  • Sarah Habes
  • Caroline Chevalier
  • Fabienne Vavasseur
  • Béatrice Clémenceau
  • Anaïs Cardon
  • Jean-Paul Judor
  • Jean-François Mosnier
  • Florence Tanné
  • David-Axel Laplaud
  • Sophie Brouard
  • Jérôme Gournay
  • Pierre Milpied
  • Sophie Conchon
  • J. Hepatol..2020 Jul;S0168-8278(20)30453-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.05.053.Epub 2020-07-07.