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Mitochondrial PCK2 Missense Variant in Shetland Sheepdogs with Paroxysmal Exercise-Induced Dyskinesia (PED).
  • Jasmin Nessler
  • Petra Hug
  • Paul J J Mandigers
  • Peter A J Leegwater
  • Vidhya Jagannathan
  • Anibh M Das
  • Marco Rosati
  • Kaspar Matiasek
  • Adrian C Sewell
  • Marion Kornberg
  • Marina Hoffmann
  • Petra Wolf
  • Andrea Fischer
  • Andrea Tipold
  • Tosso Leeb
  • Genes (Basel).2020 Jul;11(7). E774. doi: 10.3390/genes11070774.Epub 2020-07-09.


Significant reduction of physical activity in patients with neuromuscular disease during COVID-19 pandemic: the long-term consequences of quarantine.
  • Vincenzo Di Stefano
  • Giuseppe Battaglia
  • Valerio Giustino
  • Andrea Gagliardo
  • Michele D'Aleo
  • Ottavio Giannini
  • Antonio Palma
  • Filippo Brighina
  • J. Neurol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00415-020-10064-6. doi: 10.1007/s00415-020-10064-6.Epub 2020-07-13.


Rapid Increase in Clearance of Phenobarbital in Neonates on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Pilot Retrospective Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis.
  • Danica Michaličková
  • Pavla Pokorná
  • Dick Tibboel
  • Ondřej Slanař
  • Catherijne A J Knibbe
  • Elke H J Krekels
  • Pediatr Crit Care Med.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002402.Epub 2020-06-26.


Innovative and practical deep eutectic solvent based vortex assisted microextraction procedure for separation and preconcentration of low levels of arsenic and antimony from sample matrix prior to analysis by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry.
  • Nail Altunay
  • Adil Elik
  • Ramazan Gürkan
  • Food Chem.2019 Sep;293:378-386. S0308-8146(19)30814-3. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.05.019.Epub 2019-05-04.


Oxytocin as a regulatory neuropeptide in the trigeminovascular system: Localization, expression and function of oxytocin and oxytocin receptors.
  • Karin Warfvinge
  • Diana N Krause
  • Aida Maddahi
  • Anne-Sofie Grell
  • Jacob Ca Edvinsson
  • Kristian A Haanes
  • Lars Edvinsson
  • Cephalalgia.2020 Jun;:333102420929027. doi: 10.1177/0333102420929027.Epub 2020-06-02.


Identification of Two Novel Mutations in the Gene from Patients with Ataxia-Telangiectasia by Whole Exome Sequencing.
  • Masoud Heidari
  • Morteza Soleyman-Nejad
  • Mohammad H Taskhiri
  • Javad Shahpouri
  • Alireza Isazadeh
  • Roghayyeh Ahangari
  • Ali R Mohamadi
  • Masoumeh Ebrahimi
  • Hadi Karimi
  • Manzar Bolhassani
  • Zahra Karimi
  • Mansour Heidari
  • Curr. Genomics.2019 Nov;20(7):531-534. CG-20-531. doi: 10.2174/1389202920666191107153734.


Exosome-delivered syndecan-1 rescues acute lung injury via a FAK/p190RhoGAP/RhoA/ROCK/NF-κB signaling axis and glycocalyx enhancement.
  • Chuankai Zhang
  • Feng Guo
  • Mengling Chang
  • Zengding Zhou
  • Lei Yi
  • Chengjin Gao
  • Xiaoqin Huang
  • Jingning Huan
  • Exp. Cell Res..2019 11;384(1):111596. S0014-4827(19)30453-7. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.111596.Epub 2019-09-02.


Astrocyte Unfolded Protein Response Induces a Specific Reactivity State that Causes Non-Cell-Autonomous Neuronal Degeneration.
  • Heather L Smith
  • Oliver J Freeman
  • Adrian J Butcher
  • Staffan Holmqvist
  • Ibrahim Humoud
  • Tobias Schätzl
  • Daniel T Hughes
  • Nicholas C Verity
  • Dean P Swinden
  • Joseph Hayes
  • Lis de Weerd
  • David H Rowitch
  • Robin J M Franklin
  • Giovanna R Mallucci
  • Neuron.2020 03;105(5):855-866.e5. S0896-6273(19)31056-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.014.Epub 2020-01-07.


Organ Transplantation in Hereditary Fibrinogen A α-Chain Amyloidosis: A Case Series of French Patients.
  • Lara Meyer
  • Marc Ulrich
  • Didier Ducloux
  • Valérie Garrigue
  • Cécile Vigneau
  • Dominique Nochy
  • Guillaume Bobrie
  • Sophie Ferlicot
  • Magalie Colombat
  • Jean-Jacques Boffa
  • Karine Clabault
  • Jeannette Mansour
  • Christiane Mousson
  • Raymond Azar
  • Jean-Louis Bacri
  • Antoine Dürrbach
  • Christian Duvic
  • Khalil El Karoui
  • Maxime Hoffmann
  • Arnaud Lionet
  • Victor Panescu
  • Emmanuelle Plaisier
  • Anderson Ratsimbazafy
  • Dominique Guerrot
  • Laurence Vrigneaud
  • Sophie Valleix
  • Hélène François
  • Am. J. Kidney Dis..2020 Jul;S0272-6386(20)30638-7. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.02.445.Epub 2020-07-10.

DNA メチル化バイオマーカーの分析を介した大腸がん検診のための便 DNA 前処理プロトコルの系統的評価

A systematic evaluation of stool DNA preparation protocols for colorectal cancer screening via analysis of DNA methylation biomarkers.
  • Shengnan Jin
  • Qian Ye
  • Yanping Hong
  • Wenqing Dai
  • Chengliang Zhang
  • Weihao Liu
  • Ying Guo
  • Dewen Zhu
  • Zhengzheng Zhang
  • Shiliang Chen
  • Yourong Wang
  • Dandan Li
  • Wen Ma
  • Zhengquan Yang
  • Jinlei Li
  • Zhihai Zheng
  • Ju Luan
  • Xiaoli Wu
  • Feizhao Jiang
  • Chang Xu
  • Chunming Ding
  • Clin. Chem. Lab. Med..2020 Jul;/j/cclm.ahead-of-print/cclm-2020-0300/cclm-2020-0300.xml. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2020-0300.Epub 2020-07-16.


Fentanyl inhibits acute myeloid leukemia differentiated cells and committed progenitors via opioid receptor-independent suppression of Ras and STAT5 pathways.
  • Shuangbo Dai
  • Xiaoqing Zhang
  • Peng Zhang
  • Xuesong Zheng
  • Qiying Pang
  • Fundam Clin Pharmacol.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/fcp.12581.Epub 2020-06-21.


A clinician's guide for developing a prediction model: a case study using real-world data of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer.
  • Kevin M Veen
  • Isabel B de Angst
  • Mostafa M Mokhles
  • Hans M Westgeest
  • Malou Kuppen
  • Carin A Uyl-de Groot
  • Winald R Gerritsen
  • Paul J M Kil
  • Johanna J M Takkenberg
  • J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol..2020 Aug;146(8):2067-2075. 10.1007/s00432-020-03286-8. doi: 10.1007/s00432-020-03286-8.Epub 2020-06-17.


The efficacy and safety of daunorubicin versus idarubicin combined with cytarabine for induction therapy in acute myeloid leukemia: A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.
  • Hanyu Wang
  • Xueting Xiao
  • Qirong Xiao
  • Yanhong Lu
  • Yong Wu
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jun;99(24):e20094. 00005792-202006120-00004. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020094.


Tumor lysis syndrome in a patient with metastatic melanoma treated with nivolumab.
  • Saiho Sugimoto
  • Takeshi Terashima
  • Tatsuya Yamashita
  • Noriho Iida
  • Masaaki Kitahara
  • Yuji Hodo
  • Tetsuro Shimakami
  • Hajime Takatori
  • Kuniaki Arai
  • Kazunori Kawaguchi
  • Kazuya Kitamura
  • Taro Yamashita
  • Yoshio Sakai
  • Yukihiro Shirota
  • Katsuaki Sato
  • Eishiro Mizukoshi
  • Masao Honda
  • Kenichi Harada
  • Shuichi Kaneko
  • Clin J Gastroenterol.2020 Jun;10.1007/s12328-020-01164-x. doi: 10.1007/s12328-020-01164-x.Epub 2020-06-27.


Type 1 Innate Lymphoid Cells Protect Mice from Acute Liver Injury via Interferon-γ Secretion for Upregulating Bcl-xL Expression in Hepatocytes.
  • Tsukasa Nabekura
  • Luke Riggan
  • Andrew D Hildreth
  • Timothy E O'Sullivan
  • Akira Shibuya
  • Immunity.2020 01;52(1):96-108.e9. S1074-7613(19)30462-5. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.11.004.Epub 2019-12-03.


How precise is quantitative prediction of pharmacokinetic effects due to drug-drug interactions and genotype from in vitro data? A comprehensive analysis on the example CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 substrates.
  • Christof Dücker
  • Jürgen Brockmöller
  • Pharmacol. Ther..2020 Jul;:107629. S0163-7258(20)30159-5. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2020.107629.Epub 2020-07-16.

歯周骨内欠損の治療における自家骨移植による白血球・血小板リッチフィブリンによる歯周再生 vs 自家骨移植によるエナメル質マトリックス誘導体による歯周再生.無作為化非劣性試験

Periodontal regeneration by leukocyte and platelet-rich fibrin with autogenous bone graft versus enamel matrix derivative with autogenous bone graft in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects: A randomized non-inferiority trial.
  • Michele Paolantonio
  • Marcella Di Tullio
  • Marta Giraudi
  • Luigi Romano
  • Lorenzo Secondi
  • Giulia Paolantonio
  • Filippo Graziani
  • Andrea Pilloni
  • Paolo De Ninis
  • Beatrice Femminella
  • J. Periodontol..2020 Apr;doi: 10.1002/JPER.19-0533.Epub 2020-04-15.


Cardiomyocyte Homeodomain-Interacting Protein Kinase 2 Maintains Basal Cardiac Function via Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling.
  • Yuanjun Guo
  • Jennifer Y Sui
  • Kyungsoo Kim
  • Zhentao Zhang
  • Xiaoyan A Qu
  • Young-Jae Nam
  • Robert N Willette
  • Joey V Barnett
  • Bjorn C Knollmann
  • Thomas Force
  • Hind Lal
  • Circulation.2019 11;140(22):1820-1833. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.040740.Epub 2019-10-04.


A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of low molecular weight heparin as an anticancer therapeutic in preclinical animal models.
  • David Ripsman
  • Dean A Fergusson
  • Joshua Montroy
  • Rebecca C Auer
  • Johnny W Huang
  • Aditi Dobriyal
  • Neil Wesch
  • Marc Carrier
  • Manoj M Lalu
  • Thromb. Res..2020 Jul;195:103-113. S0049-3848(20)30299-1. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.07.008.Epub 2020-07-08.


Tumor-derived neomorphic mutations in ASXL1 impairs the BAP1-ASXL1-FOXK1/K2 transcription network.
  • Yu-Kun Xia
  • Yi-Rong Zeng
  • Meng-Li Zhang
  • Peng Liu
  • Fang Liu
  • Hao Zhang
  • Chen-Xi He
  • Yi-Ping Sun
  • Jin-Ye Zhang
  • Cheng Zhang
  • Lei Song
  • Chen Ding
  • Yu-Jie Tang
  • Zhen Yang
  • Chen Yang
  • Pu Wang
  • Kun-Liang Guan
  • Yue Xiong
  • Dan Ye
  • Protein Cell.2020 Jul;10.1007/s13238-020-00754-2. doi: 10.1007/s13238-020-00754-2.Epub 2020-07-18.


Slc6a3-dependent expression of a CAPS-associated Nlrp3 allele results in progressive behavioral abnormalities and neuroinflammation in aging mice.
  • Katharine M von Herrmann
  • Faith L Anderson
  • Eileen M Martinez
  • Alison L Young
  • Matthew C Havrda
  • J Neuroinflammation.2020 Jul;17(1):213. 10.1186/s12974-020-01866-6. doi: 10.1186/s12974-020-01866-6.Epub 2020-07-17.


Impact of chemotherapy-induced necrosis on event-free and overall survival after preoperative MAP chemotherapy in patients with primary high-grade localized osteosarcoma.
  • Yusuke Tsuda
  • Kim Tsoi
  • Michael C Parry
  • Jonathan D Stevenson
  • Tomohiro Fujiwara
  • Vaiyapuri Sumathi
  • Lee M Jeys
  • Bone Joint J.2020 Jun;102-B(6):795-803. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.102B6.BJJ-2019-1307.R1.


  • Christelle Grondin
  • Umberto Lorenzi
  • Laurence Beral
  • Sarah Morane
  • Tremeur Guillaumie
  • Thierry David
  • Retin Cases Brief Rep.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/ICB.0000000000001015.Epub 2020-07-08.


Uptake and willingness to use PrEP among Chinese gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men with experience of sexualized drug use in the past year.
  • Zixin Wang
  • Phoenix K H Mo
  • Mary Ip
  • Yuan Fang
  • Joseph T F Lau
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2020 Apr;20(1):299. 10.1186/s12879-020-05024-4. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05024-4.Epub 2020-04-22.

ファントムと患者固有の受容基準を用いた治療薬ペア間の空間的一致の評価。Tc-MAA SPECT/Y-Microsphere PETへの応用

Assessing Spatial Concordance Between Theranostic Pairs Using Phantom and Patient-Specific Acceptance Criteria: Application to Tc-MAA SPECT/Y-Microsphere PET.
  • Justin K Mikell
  • Bill S Majdalany
  • Dawn Owen
  • Kelly C Paradis
  • Yuni K Dewaraja
  • Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys..2019 08;104(5):1133-1140. S0360-3016(19)30633-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.04.012.Epub 2019-04-22.


Tenascin-C induces phenotypic changes in fibroblasts to myofibroblasts with high contractility through the integrin αvβ1/TGF-β/SMAD signaling axis in human breast cancer.
  • Daisuke Katoh
  • Yuji Kozuka
  • Aya Noro
  • Tomoko Ogawa
  • Kyoko Imanaka-Yoshida
  • Toshimichi Yoshida
  • Am. J. Pathol..2020 Jul;S0002-9440(20)30329-1. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2020.06.008.Epub 2020-07-07.