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牛に両毒トキソイドを積極的に免疫しても、Bothrops asper 毒による侵襲をなくすことはできませんが、生存の可能性は高くなります

Active immunization of cattle with a bothropic toxoid does not abrogate envenomation by Bothrops asper venom, but increases the likelihood of survival.
  • María Herrera
  • Katherine González
  • Carlos Rodríguez
  • Aarón Gómez
  • Álvaro Segura
  • Mariángela Vargas
  • Mauren Villalta
  • Ricardo Estrada
  • Guillermo León
  • Biologicals.2017 Mar;46:1-5. S1045-1056(16)30125-7. doi: 10.1016/j.biologicals.2016.10.008.Epub 2017-01-22.


Metal induced non-metallothionein protein in earthworm: A new pathway for cadmium detoxification in chloragogenous tissue.
  • Nazneen Hussain
  • Subhendu Kumar Chatterjee
  • Tushar Kanti Maiti
  • Linee Goswami
  • Subhasish Das
  • Utsab Deb
  • Satya Sundar Bhattacharya
  • J. Hazard. Mater..2020 Jul;401:123357. S0304-3894(20)31346-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123357.Epub 2020-07-01.


The Protection Effect of Resveratrol Against Radiation-Induced Inflammatory Bowel Disease via NLRP-3 Inflammasome Repression in Mice.
  • Hao Sun
  • Hui Cai
  • Yue Fu
  • Qin Wang
  • Kaihua Ji
  • Liqing Du
  • Chang Xu
  • Lifang Tian
  • Ningning He
  • Jinhan Wang
  • Manman Zhang
  • Yang Liu
  • Yan Wang
  • Jia Li
  • Qiang Liu
  • Dose Response.2020 Apr-Jun;18(2):1559325820931292. 10.1177_1559325820931292. doi: 10.1177/1559325820931292.Epub 2020-06-26.

米国コロナウイルス疾患 2019(COVID-19)関連入院サーベイランスネットワーク(COVID-NET)で特定された入院成人の集中治療室入院および院内死亡の危険因子

Risk Factors for Intensive Care Unit Admission and In-hospital Mortality among Hospitalized Adults Identified through the U.S. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET).
  • Lindsay Kim
  • Shikha Garg
  • Alissa O'Halloran
  • Michael Whitaker
  • Huong Pham
  • Evan J Anderson
  • Isaac Armistead
  • Nancy M Bennett
  • Laurie Billing
  • Kathryn Como-Sabetti
  • Mary Hill
  • Sue Kim
  • Maya L Monroe
  • Alison Muse
  • Arthur L Reingold
  • William Schaffner
  • Melissa Sutton
  • H Keipp Talbot
  • Salina M Torres
  • Kimberly Yousey-Hindes
  • Rachel Holstein
  • Charisse Cummings
  • Lynette Brammer
  • Aron J Hall
  • Alicia M Fry
  • Gayle E Langley
  • Clin. Infect. Dis..2020 Jul;ciaa1012. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1012.Epub 2020-07-16.

進行性非小細胞肺癌患者を対象とした第 2 次治療または第 3 次治療としてのナノ粒子アルブミン結合パクリタキセルの週 1 回投与の第 II 相試験

Phase II Study of Weekly Nanoparticle Albumin-Bound Paclitaxel as Second- or Third-Line Therapy in Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
  • Mie Kotake
  • Tomohito Kuwako
  • Hisao Imai
  • Yoshio Tomizawa
  • Kyoichi Kaira
  • Akihiro Yoshii
  • Mai Ochiai
  • Yosuke Miura
  • Takashi Osaki
  • Reiko Sakurai
  • Kousuke Takei
  • Koichi Minato
  • Ryusei Saito
  • Chemotherapy.2020 Jul;:1-8. 000508715. doi: 10.1159/000508715.Epub 2020-07-16.


Evolving viral and serological stages of Zika virus RNA-positive blood donors and estimation of incidence of infection during the 2016 Puerto Rican Zika epidemic: an observational cohort study.
  • Phillip C Williamson
  • Brad J Biggerstaff
  • Graham Simmons
  • Mars Stone
  • Val Winkelman
  • Gerardo Latoni
  • Jose Alsina
  • Sonia Bakkour
  • Christina Newman
  • Lisa L Pate
  • Susan A Galel
  • Steven Kleinman
  • Michael P Busch
  • Lancet Infect Dis.2020 Jul;S1473-3099(19)30706-6. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(19)30706-6.Epub 2020-07-13.


Occurrence and diversity of waterborne fungi and associated mycotoxins in treated drinking water distribution system in South Africa: implications on water quality and public health.
  • Thandazile Ntombie Mhlongo
  • Henry Joseph Odour Ogola
  • Ramganesh Selvarajan
  • Timothy Sibanda
  • Ilunga Kamika
  • Memory Tekere
  • Environ Monit Assess.2020 Jul;192(8):519. 10.1007/s10661-020-08477-x. doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08477-x.Epub 2020-07-15.


Gene expression profiling by targeted RNA sequencing in pathological stage I lung adenocarcinoma with a solid component.
  • Yoshiteru Kidokoro
  • Tomohiko Sakabe
  • Tomohiro Haruki
  • Taichi Kadonaga
  • Kanae Nosaka
  • Hiroshige Nakamura
  • Yoshihisa Umekita
  • Lung Cancer.2020 Jul;147:56-63. S0169-5002(20)30509-2. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.06.035.Epub 2020-07-01.


Prognostic significance of low pectoralis muscle mass on preoperative chest computed tomography in localized non-small cell lung cancer after curative-intent surgery.
  • Changbo Sun
  • Masaki Anraku
  • Takuya Kawahara
  • Takahiro Karasaki
  • Kentaro Kitano
  • Kazuhiro Nagayama
  • Masaaki Sato
  • Jun Nakajima
  • Lung Cancer.2020 Jul;147:71-76. S0169-5002(20)30519-5. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.07.008.Epub 2020-07-07.


Zika virus RNA and IgM persistence in blood compartments and body fluids: a prospective observational study.
  • Mars Stone
  • Sonia Bakkour
  • Marion C Lanteri
  • Donald Brambilla
  • Graham Simmons
  • Roberta Bruhn
  • Zhanna Kaidarova
  • Tzong-Hae Lee
  • Jose Orlando Alsina
  • Phillip C Williamson
  • Susan A Galel
  • Lisa L Pate
  • Jeffrey M Linnen
  • Steve Kleinman
  • Michael P Busch
  • Lancet Infect Dis.2020 Jul;S1473-3099(19)30708-X. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(19)30708-X.Epub 2020-07-13.

小細胞肺がんの胸部放射線治療におけるターゲットボリューム定義のためのESTRO ACROPガイドライン

ESTRO ACROP guidelines for Target Volume Definition in the thoracic radiation treatment of Small cell lung cancer.
  • Cecile Le Pechoux
  • Corinne Faivre-Finn
  • Sara Ramella
  • Fiona McDonald
  • Farkhad Manapov
  • Paul Martin Putora
  • Ben Slotman
  • Dirk De Ruysscher
  • Umberto Ricardi
  • Xavier Geets
  • José Belderbos
  • Christoph Pöttgen
  • Rafal Dziadiuszko
  • Stephanie Peeters
  • Yolande Lievens
  • Coen Hurkmans
  • Paul Van Houtte
  • Ursula Nestle
  • Radiother Oncol.2020 Jul;S0167-8140(20)30405-9. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2020.07.012.Epub 2020-07-13.


Heat-treatment-induced development of the crystalline structure and chemical stoichiometry of a CuS counter electrode, and the influence on performance of quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells.
  • Jianping Deng
  • Pengchao Zhang
  • Le Li
  • Yuchun Gou
  • Junfei Fang
  • Yilong Lei
  • Xiaohui Song
  • Zhi Yang
  • J Colloid Interface Sci.2020 Jul;579:805-814. S0021-9797(20)30881-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.07.003.Epub 2020-07-06.

ヒト肺癌細胞NCI-H460に対する銅(II)錯体のin vitroおよびin vivoでの抗増殖活性と超微細構造の検討

In vitro and in vivo anti-proliferative activity and ultrastructure investigations of a copper(II) complex toward human lung cancer cell NCI-H460.
  • Leide Laura Figueiredo Maciel
  • William Rodrigues de Freitas
  • Erika Soares Bull
  • Christiane Fernandes
  • Adolfo Horn
  • João Carlos de Aquino Almeida
  • Milton Masahiko Kanashiro
  • J. Inorg. Biochem..2020 Jun;210:111166. S0162-0134(20)30194-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2020.111166.Epub 2020-06-30.

2-オルガニルカルコゲンと還元系として NaBH4/PEG-400 を用いた 2-オルガニルカルコゲノフェノ2,3-b-ピリジンの合成:抗酸化作用と抗侵害受容性

Synthesis of 2-organylchalcogenopheno[2,3-b]pyridines from elemental chalcogen and NaBH4/PEG-400 as reducing system: antioxidant and antinociceptive properties.
  • Thiago J Peglow
  • Ricardo H Bartz
  • Carolina C Martins
  • Andrei L Belladona
  • Cristiane Luchese
  • Ethel A Wilhelm
  • Ricardo Frederico Schumacher
  • Gelson Perin
  • ChemMedChem.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/cmdc.202000358.Epub 2020-07-15.


Modification of the existing maximum residue levels for copper compounds in fresh herbs and edible flowers.
  • Maria Anastassiadou
  • Giovanni Bernasconi
  • Alba Brancato
  • Luis Carrasco Cabrera
  • Luna Greco
  • Samira Jarrah
  • Aija Kazocina
  • Renata Leuschner
  • Jose Oriol Magrans
  • Ileana Miron
  • Stefanie Nave
  • Ragnor Pedersen
  • Hermine Reich
  • Alejandro Rojas
  • Angela Sacchi
  • Miguel Santos
  • Alois Stanek
  • Anne Theobald
  • Benedicte Vagenende
  • Alessia Verani
  • EFSA J.2020 Jul;18(7):e06180. EFS26180. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6180.Epub 2020-07-09.

副腎褐色細胞腫(PC12)細胞株におけるメタドン誘発細胞死に対するCrocus sativus L.葉水性抽出物を用いて生合成した銅ナノ粒子の抑制能

Suppressor capacity of copper nanoparticles biosynthesized using Crocus sativus L. leaf aqueous extract on methadone-induced cell death in adrenal phaeochromocytoma (PC12) cell line.
  • Peng Zhang
  • Jian Cui
  • Shirin Mansooridara
  • Atoosa Shahriyari Kalantari
  • Akram Zangeneh
  • Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh
  • Nastaran Sadeghian
  • Parham Taslimi
  • Ramazan Bayat
  • Fatih Şen
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11631. 10.1038/s41598-020-68142-8. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68142-8.Epub 2020-07-15.


Design and validation of antibacterial and pH response of cationic guar gum film by combining hydroxyethyl cellulose and red cabbage pigment.
  • Menglong Chu
  • Nianrong Feng
  • Hu An
  • Guanglin You
  • Changshun Mo
  • Hongyang Zhong
  • Liuru Pan
  • Dongying Hu
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 Jun;S0141-8130(20)33639-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.06.198.Epub 2020-06-26.


Impact of cooking oil fume exposure and fume extractor use on lung cancer risk in non-smoking Han Chinese women.
  • Tzu-Yu Chen
  • Yao-Hwei Fang
  • Hui-Ling Chen
  • Chin-Hao Chang
  • Hsin Huang
  • Yi-Song Chen
  • Kuo-Meng Liao
  • Hsiao-Yu Wu
  • Gee-Chen Chang
  • Ying-Huang Tsai
  • Chih-Liang Wang
  • Yuh-Min Chen
  • Ming-Shyan Huang
  • Wu-Chou Su
  • Pan-Chyr Yang
  • Chien-Jen Chen
  • Chin-Fu Hsiao
  • Chao A Hsiung
  • Sci Rep.2020 Apr;10(1):6774. 10.1038/s41598-020-63656-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-63656-7.Epub 2020-04-21.

アマゾンの河口域で養殖されたマングローブカキ(Crassostrea gasar)から分離された大腸菌株の発生、抗生物質耐性および病原性

Occurrence, antibiotic-resistance and virulence of E. coli strains isolated from mangrove oysters (Crassostrea gasar) farmed in estuaries of Amazonia.
  • Amanda M S Oliveira
  • Rafael A Baraúna
  • Davi J Marcon
  • Letícia A B Lago
  • Artur Silva
  • Joana Lusio
  • Rafael D S Tavares
  • Marta Tacão
  • Isabel Henriques
  • Maria P C Schneider
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Aug;157:111302. S0025-326X(20)30420-3. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111302.Epub 2020-06-01.


Occupational exposure to inhaled pollutants and risk of airflow obstruction: a large UK population-based UK Biobank cohort.
  • Steven S Sadhra
  • Nuredin Mohammed
  • Om P Kurmi
  • David Fishwick
  • Sara De Matteis
  • Sally Hutchings
  • Debbie Jarvis
  • Jon G Ayres
  • Lesley Rushton
  • Thorax.2020 06;75(6):468-475. thoraxjnl-2019-213407. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2019-213407.Epub 2020-05-06.


Ouabain pre-treatment modulates B and T lymphocytes and improves survival of melanoma-bearing animals.
  • Joyle Moreira Carvalho da Silva
  • Maria Luisa Arantes Campos
  • Mariana Pires Teixeira
  • Renan da Silva Faustino
  • Raul Correia Aleixo
  • Felipe Jeová Pereira Cavalcante
  • Lays Ribeiro Oliveira Gomes
  • Lucas Zanetti de Albuquerque
  • Augusto das Neves Azevedo
  • Vinicius Ribeiro Cabral
  • Luciana Souza de Paiva
  • Int. Immunopharmacol..2020 Jul;86:106772. S1567-5769(20)31142-5. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2020.106772.Epub 2020-07-13.

人間の呼吸器系を模倣する。溶接ヒューム・エアロゾルの毒性評価のためのオンラインin vitro細胞暴露

Mimicking the human respiratory system: Online in vitro cell exposure for toxicity assessment of welding fume aerosol.
  • Ryan X Ward
  • Trevor B Tilly
  • Syeda Irsa Mazhar
  • Sarah E Robinson
  • Arantzazu Eiguren-Fernandez
  • Jun Wang
  • Tara Sabo-Attwood
  • Chang-Yu Wu
  • J. Hazard. Mater..2020 Aug;395:122687. S0304-3894(20)30676-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122687.Epub 2020-04-13.


DPP4 Inhibitors in the Management of Hospitalized Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.
  • Soghra Rabizadeh
  • Mohammad Ali Tavakoli Ardakani
  • Marjan Mouodi
  • Masoume Bitaraf
  • Sakineh Shab-Bidar
  • Alireza Esteghamati
  • Manouchehr Nakhjavani
  • Adv Ther.2020 Jul;10.1007/s12325-020-01434-7. doi: 10.1007/s12325-020-01434-7.Epub 2020-07-15.

下側ペディクルワイズパターン乳房縮小術における出血に対するTumescent Lidocaine and Epinephrine Infiltration on Blood Loss in Inferior Pedicle Wise-Pattern Breast Reduction.A Prospective Randomized Study

Effect of Tumescent Lidocaine and Epinephrine Infiltration on Blood Loss in Inferior Pedicle Wise-Pattern Breast Reduction: A Prospective Randomized Study.
  • Alper Burak Uslu
  • Aesthetic Plast Surg.2020 Jul;10.1007/s00266-020-01859-z. doi: 10.1007/s00266-020-01859-z.Epub 2020-07-15.


Inferior ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Presenting When Urgent Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Is Unavailable: Should We Adhere to Current Guidelines?
  • Yochai Birnbaum
  • Glenn N Levine
  • John French
  • Juan Carlos Kaski
  • Dan Atar
  • Mahboob Alam
  • David Hasdai
  • Hani Jneid
  • Barry F Uretsky
  • Cardiovasc Drugs Ther.2020 Jul;10.1007/s10557-020-07039-0. doi: 10.1007/s10557-020-07039-0.Epub 2020-07-15.