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Intracoronary Administration of Allogeneic Cardiosphere-Derived Cells Immediately Prior to Reperfusion in Pigs With Acute Myocardial Infarction Reduces Infarct Size and Attenuates Adverse Cardiac Remodeling.
  • Vasileios Sousonis
  • Titika Sfakianaki
  • Argirios Ntalianis
  • Ioannis Nanas
  • Christos Kontogiannis
  • Dionysios Aravantinos
  • Chris Kapelios
  • Lampros Katsaros
  • Maria Nana
  • Dimitrios Sampaziotis
  • Despina Sanoudou
  • Apostolos Papalois
  • Konstantinos Malliaras
  • J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. Ther..2020 Jul;:1074248420941672. doi: 10.1177/1074248420941672.Epub 2020-07-17.


Combined X-ray Crystallographic, IR/Raman Spectroscopic, and Periodic DFT Investigations of New Multicomponent Crystalline Forms of Anthelmintic Drugs: A Case Study of Carbendazim Maleate.
  • Alexander P Voronin
  • Artem O Surov
  • Andrei V Churakov
  • Olga D Parashchuk
  • Alexey A Rykounov
  • Mikhail V Vener
  • Molecules.2020 May;25(10). E2386. doi: 10.3390/molecules25102386.Epub 2020-05-21.


Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria: to prednisone or not to prednisone?--a case report of a patient previously treated with steroids for 15 yrs and significant response on eculizumab.
  • Alexander Röth
  • Ferras Alashkar
  • Dörte Herich-Terhürne
  • Ulrich Dührsen
  • Eur. J. Haematol..2015 Aug;95(2):177-80. doi: 10.1111/ejh.12480.Epub 2015-03-29.


3D-Printed Coronary Implants Are Effective for Percutaneous Creation of Swine Models with Focal Coronary Stenosis.
  • Caroline M Colbert
  • Jiaxin Shao
  • John J Hollowed
  • Jesse W Currier
  • Olujimi A Ajijola
  • Gregory A Fishbein
  • Sandra M Duarte-Vogel
  • Rohan Dharmakumar
  • Peng Hu
  • Kim-Lien Nguyen
  • J Cardiovasc Transl Res.2020 May;10.1007/s12265-020-10018-3. doi: 10.1007/s12265-020-10018-3.Epub 2020-05-11.


Extracellular vesicles secreted by HBV-infected cells modulate HBV persistence in hydrodynamic HBV transfection mouse model.
  • Masatoshi Kakizaki
  • Yuichiro Yamamoto
  • Motoyuki Otsuka
  • Kouichi Kitamura
  • Masatoshi Ito
  • Hideki Derek Kawai
  • Masamichi Muramatsu
  • Tatehiro Kagawa
  • Ai Kotani
  • J. Biol. Chem..2020 Jul;jbc.RA120.014317. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.014317.Epub 2020-07-10.


carriage in low-income countries: antimicrobial resistance, genomic diversity and risk factors.
  • Bich-Tram Huynh
  • Virginie Passet
  • Andriniaina Rakotondrasoa
  • Thierno Diallo
  • Alexandra Kerleguer
  • Melanie Hennart
  • Agathe De Lauzanne
  • Perlinot Herindrainy
  • Abdoulaye Seck
  • Raymond Bercion
  • Laurence Borand
  • Maria Pardos de la Gandara
  • Elisabeth Delarocque-Astagneau
  • Didier Guillemot
  • Muriel Vray
  • Benoit Garin
  • Jean-Marc Collard
  • Carla Rodrigues
  • Sylvain Brisse
  • Gut Microbes.2020 Sep;11(5):1287-1299. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2020.1748257.Epub 2020-05-13.


The Effects of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) Performance in Cognitively Healthy Older Adults.
  • Alyssa N De Vito
  • John P K Bernstein
  • Daniel Weitzner
  • Matthew Calamia
  • Jeffrey N Keller
  • Arch Clin Neuropsychol.2019 Oct;acz039. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acz039.Epub 2019-10-24.

過去10年間のドイツ東部地域における血友病治療の発展 Kompetenznetz Hmorrhagische Diathese Ost (KHDO)における

Development of Haemophilia Treatment in the Eastern Part of Germany over the Last Decade in the Kompetenznetz Hämorrhagische Diathese Ost (KHDO).
  • Rebecca Mahn
  • Kristina Schilling
  • Robert Klamroth
  • Karim Kentouche
  • Volker Aumann
  • Lars Fischer
  • Susanne Holzhauer
  • Harry Sirb
  • Ute Scholz
  • Karolin Trautmann
  • Ines Halm-Heinrich
  • Beate Krammer-Steiner
  • Jürgen Koscielny
  • Ute Kreibich
  • Antje Pietrzak-Büttner
  • Matthias Tregel
  • Ralf Knöfler
  • Christian Pfrepper
  • Hamostaseologie.2020 Feb;40(1):119-127. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-3399493.Epub 2019-11-11.


o-Azophenylboronic Acid-based Colorimetric Sensors for D-Fructose: o-Azophenylboronic Acids with Inserted Protic Solvent are the Key Species for a Large Color Change.
  • Yota Suzuki
  • Ayumi Ikeda
  • Keiji Ohno
  • Takashi Fujihara
  • Tomoaki Sugaya
  • Koji Ishihara
  • J. Org. Chem..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c01011.Epub 2020-07-08.


Risperidone plasma concentrations are associated with side-effects and effectiveness in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Sanne Maartje Kloosterboer
  • Brenda C M de Winter
  • Catrien G Reichart
  • Mirjam E J Kouijzer
  • Matthias M J de Kroon
  • Emma van Daalen
  • Wietske A Ester
  • Rob Rieken
  • Gwen C Dieleman
  • Daphne van Altena
  • Beatrijs Bartelds
  • Ron H N van Schaik
  • Kazem Nasserinejad
  • Manon H J Hillegers
  • Teun van Gelder
  • Bram Dierckx
  • Birgit C P Koch
  • Br J Clin Pharmacol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/bcp.14465.Epub 2020-07-09.


Untargeted Profiling of Bile Acids and Lysophospholipids Identifies the Lipid Signature Associated with Glycemic Outcome in an Obese Non-Diabetic Clinical Cohort.
  • Nicolas Christinat
  • Armand Valsesia
  • Mojgan Masoodi
  • Biomolecules.2020 Jul;10(7). E1049. doi: 10.3390/biom10071049.Epub 2020-07-15.


High prevalence of human papillomavirus infection in sinonasal inverted papilloma: a single-institution cohort of patients.
  • Giuliana Frasson
  • Sonia Cesaro
  • Diego Cazzador
  • Giulia Traverso
  • Enzo Emanuelli
  • Daniele Borsetto
  • Giada Munari
  • Roberta Salmaso
  • Alessandro Martini
  • Paolo Boscolo-Rizzo
  • Massimo Rugge
  • Int Forum Allergy Rhinol.2020 May;10(5):629-635. doi: 10.1002/alr.22539.Epub 2020-02-27.


Platelet function defects in patients with Gaucher disease on long term ERT- implications for evaluation at bleeding challenges.
  • Veroniki Komninaka
  • Konstantina Repa
  • Theodoros Marinakis
  • Abraham Pouliakis
  • Theodora Koutsouri
  • Dimitrios Tsokanas
  • Pagona Flevary
  • Ersi Voskaridou
  • Marianna Politou
  • Blood Cells Mol. Dis..2020 02;80:102371. S1079-9796(19)30245-1. doi: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2019.102371.Epub 2019-10-18.


Glucocerebrosidase Activity Modulates Neuronal Susceptibility to Pathological α-Synuclein Insult.
  • Michael X Henderson
  • Samantha Sedor
  • Ian McGeary
  • Eli J Cornblath
  • Chao Peng
  • Dawn M Riddle
  • Howard L Li
  • Bin Zhang
  • Hannah J Brown
  • Modupe F Olufemi
  • Danielle S Bassett
  • John Q Trojanowski
  • Virginia M Y Lee
  • Neuron.2020 03;105(5):822-836.e7. S0896-6273(19)31046-3. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.004.Epub 2019-12-30.


A Dietary Sugarcane-Derived Polyphenol Mix Reduces the Negative Effects of Cyclic Heat Exposure on Growth Performance, Blood Gas Status, and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens.
  • Majid Shakeri
  • Jeremy J Cottrell
  • Stuart Wilkinson
  • Hieu H Le
  • Hafiz A R Suleria
  • Robyn D Warner
  • Frank R Dunshea
  • Animals (Basel).2020 Jul;10(7). E1158. doi: 10.3390/ani10071158.Epub 2020-07-08.


Brain microRNAs associated with late-life depressive symptoms are also associated with cognitive trajectory and dementia.
  • Thomas S Wingo
  • Jingjing Yang
  • Wen Fan
  • Se Min Canon
  • Ekaterina Sergeevna Gerasimov
  • Adriana Lori
  • Benjamin Logsdon
  • Bing Yao
  • Nicholas T Seyfried
  • James J Lah
  • Allan I Levey
  • Patricia A Boyle
  • Julia A Schneider
  • Philip L De Jager
  • David A Bennett
  • Aliza P Wingo
  • NPJ Genom Med.2020;5:6. 113. doi: 10.1038/s41525-019-0113-8.Epub 2020-02-06.


Combination of solar photo-Fenton and adsorption process for removal of the anticancer drug Flutamide and its transformation products from hospital wastewater.
  • Alexandre Della-Flora
  • Marcelo L Wilde
  • Pascal S Thue
  • Diana Lima
  • Eder C Lima
  • Carla Sirtori
  • J. Hazard. Mater..2020 Sep;396:122699. S0304-3894(20)30688-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122699.Epub 2020-04-14.


Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Detection by Implantable Loop Recording in Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: The VIP-HF study.
  • Dirk J van Veldhuisen
  • Gijs van Woerden
  • Thomas M Gorter
  • Vanessa P M van Empel
  • Olivier C Manintveld
  • Robert G Tieleman
  • Alexander H Maass
  • Kevin Vernooy
  • B Daan Westenbrink
  • Isabelle C van Gelder
  • Michiel Rienstra
  • Eur. J. Heart Fail..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/ejhf.1970.Epub 2020-07-19.


Stabilisation of Exotic Tribromide (Br) Anions via Supramolecular Interaction with A Tosylated Macrocyclic Pyridinophane. A Serendipitous Case.
  • Álvaro Martínez-Camarena
  • Matteo Savastano
  • Carla Bazzicalupi
  • Antonio Bianchi
  • Enrique García-España
  • Molecules.2020 Jul;25(14). E3155. doi: 10.3390/molecules25143155.Epub 2020-07-10.


Gene Expression Analysis to Investigate Biological Networks Underlying Nasal Inflammatory Dysfunctions Induced by Diesel Exhaust Particles Using an System.
  • Hyun Soo Kim
  • Byeong-Gon Kim
  • Sohyeon Park
  • Nahyun Kim
  • An-Soo Jang
  • Young Rok Seo
  • Moo Kyun Park
  • Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol..2020 Mar;129(3):245-255. doi: 10.1177/0003489419883289.Epub 2019-10-24.


Uncovering the First Atypical DS-1-like G1P[8] Rotavirus Strains That Circulated during Pre-Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction Era in South Africa.
  • Peter N Mwangi
  • Milton T Mogotsi
  • Sebotsana P Rasebotsa
  • Mapaseka L Seheri
  • M Jeffrey Mphahlele
  • Valantine N Ndze
  • Francis E Dennis
  • Khuzwayo C Jere
  • Martin M Nyaga
  • Pathogens.2020 May;9(5). E391. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9050391.Epub 2020-05-20.


Holmium laser prostatectomy in a tertiary Italian center: A prospective cost analysis in comparison with bipolar TURP and open prostatectomy.
  • Riccardo Schiavina
  • Lorenzo Bianchi
  • Marco Giampaoli
  • Marco Borghesi
  • Hussam Dababneh
  • Francesco Chessa
  • Cristian Pultrone
  • Andrea Angiolini
  • Umberto Barbaresi
  • Matteo Cevenini
  • Fabio Manferrari
  • Alessandro Bertaccini
  • Angelo Porreca
  • Eugenio Brunocilla
  • Arch Ital Urol Androl.2020 Jun;92(2). doi: 10.4081/aiua.2020.2.82.Epub 2020-06-23.

原発性尿道がんに関する欧州泌尿器科学会ガイドライン(European Association of Urology Guidelines on Primary Urethral Carcinoma-2020 Update)

European Association of Urology Guidelines on Primary Urethral Carcinoma-2020 Update.
  • Georgios Gakis
  • Harman M Bruins
  • Richard Cathomas
  • Eva M Compérat
  • Nigel C Cowan
  • Antoine G van der Heijden
  • Virginia Hernández
  • Estefania E Linares Espinós
  • Anja Lorch
  • Yann Neuzillet
  • Maria J Ribal
  • Mathieu Rouanne
  • George N Thalmann
  • Erik Veskimäe
  • Alfred J Witjes
  • Eur Urol Oncol.2020 Jun;S2588-9311(20)30081-X. doi: 10.1016/j.euo.2020.06.003.Epub 2020-06-27.