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Aberrant Fiber Coherence of Amygdala-Accumbens-Pallidum Pathway Is Associated With Disorganized Nigrostriatal-Nigropallidal Pathway in Parkinson's Disease.
  • Tao Guo
  • Jingjing Wu
  • Cheng Zhou
  • Xiaojun Guan
  • Ting Gao
  • Xueqin Bai
  • Zhe Song
  • Min Xuan
  • Quanquan Gu
  • Peiyu Huang
  • Baorong Zhang
  • Jiali Pu
  • Xiaojun Xu
  • Duan Xu
  • Minming Zhang
  • J Magn Reson Imaging.2020 Jul;:e27273. doi: 10.1002/jmri.27273.Epub 2020-07-13.


Risk of rectal puncture due to needle entry into the presacral space: Importance of measuring the distance between the rectum and sacrococcyx, and the thickness of the sacrococcyx.
  • Young Suk Kwon
  • Narea Lee
  • Ho Seok Lee
  • Eun Ji Youn
  • Soo Kyung Lee
  • Youngmi Kim
  • Jae Jun Lee
  • Medicine (Baltimore).2020 Jul;99(28):e20935. 00005792-202007100-00041. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000020935.


Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME) of Capmatinib (INC280) in Healthy Male Volunteers and In Vitro Aldehyde Oxidase Phenotyping of the Major Metabolite.
  • Ulrike Glaenzel
  • Yi Jin
  • Regine Hansen
  • Kirsten Schroer
  • Gholamreza Rahmanzadeh
  • Ulrike Pfaar
  • Jan Jaap van Lier
  • Hubert Borell
  • Axel Meissner
  • Gian Camenisch
  • Sylvia Zhao
  • Drug Metab. Dispos..2020 Jul;dmd.119.090324. doi: 10.1124/dmd.119.090324.Epub 2020-07-14.


The Role of Alveolar Macrophages in the Improved Protection against Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Pneumococcal Superinfection Induced by the Peptidoglycan of CRL1505.
  • Patricia Clua
  • Mikado Tomokiyo
  • Fernanda Raya Tonetti
  • Md Aminul Islam
  • Valeria García Castillo
  • Guillermo Marcial
  • Susana Salva
  • Susana Alvarez
  • Hideki Takahashi
  • Shoichiro Kurata
  • Haruki Kitazawa
  • Julio Villena
  • Cells.2020 Jul;9(7). E1653. doi: 10.3390/cells9071653.Epub 2020-07-09.


Superiority of Higher-Volume Fresh Feces Compared to Lower-Volume Frozen Feces in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Recurrent Clostridioides Difficile Colitis.
  • Amol Agarwal
  • Anurag Maheshwari
  • Sandeep Verma
  • Denise Arrup
  • Laila Phillips
  • Rakesh Vinayek
  • Padmanabhan Nair
  • Matilda Hagan
  • Sudhir Dutta
  • Dig. Dis. Sci..2020 Jul;10.1007/s10620-020-06459-0. doi: 10.1007/s10620-020-06459-0.Epub 2020-07-11.


Development of a hyperimmune equine serum therapy for COVID-19 in Argentina.
  • Vanesa Zylberman
  • Santiago Sanguineti
  • Andrea V Pontoriero
  • Sandra V Higa
  • María L Cerutti
  • Susana M Morrone Seijo
  • Romina Pardo
  • Luciana Muñoz
  • María E Acuña Intrieri
  • Vanina A Alzogaray
  • Martín M Avaro
  • Estefanía Benedetti
  • Paula M Berguer
  • Laura Bocanera
  • Lucas Bukata
  • Marina S Bustelo
  • Ana M Campos
  • Mariana Colonna
  • Elisa Correa
  • Lucía Cragnaz
  • María E Dattero
  • María Dellafiore
  • Sabrina Foscaldi
  • Joaquín V González
  • Luciano L Guerra
  • Sebastián Klinke
  • María S Labanda
  • Constanza Lauché
  • Juan C López
  • Anabela M Martínez
  • Lisandro H Otero
  • Elías H Peyric
  • Pablo F Ponziani
  • Romina Ramondino
  • Jimena Rinaldi
  • Santiago Rodríguez
  • Javier E Russo
  • Mara L Russo
  • Soledad L Saavedra
  • Mauricio Seigelchifer
  • Santiago Sosa
  • Claudio Vilariño
  • Patricia López Biscayart
  • Esteban Corley
  • Linus Spatz
  • Elsa G Baumeister
  • Fernando A Goldbaum
  • Medicina (B Aires).2020;80 Suppl 3:1-6.


How Do SGLT2 (Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2) Inhibitors and GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) Receptor Agonists Reduce Cardiovascular Outcomes?: Completed and Ongoing Mechanistic Trials.
  • Matthew M Y Lee
  • Mark C Petrie
  • John J V McMurray
  • Naveed Sattar
  • Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol..2020 03;40(3):506-522. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.311904.Epub 2020-01-30.


Canine Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (cAdMSCs) as a "Trojan Horse" in Vaccinia Virus Mediated Oncolytic Therapy against Canine Soft Tissue Sarcomas.
  • Ivan Petrov
  • Ivaylo Gentschev
  • Anna Vyalkova
  • Mohamed I Elashry
  • Michele C Klymiuk
  • Stefan Arnhold
  • Aladar A Szalay
  • Viruses.2020 Jul;12(7). E750. doi: 10.3390/v12070750.Epub 2020-07-12.


Lateral Luxation of Incisor - A Case Report of Using a New Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Software and Reposition Guideline.
  • Priscilla Barbosa Ferreira Soares
  • Andomar Bruno Fernandes Vilela
  • Camilla Christian Gomes Moura
  • Carlos Estrela
  • Mike R Bueno
  • Carlos José Soares
  • Braz Dent J.2020 Jun;31(3):337-343. S0103-64402020000300337. doi: 10.1590/0103-6440202003069.Epub 2020-07-13.


Community-based tsetse fly control minimizes the effect of trypanosomosis on livestock in Metekel zone, Ethiopia.
  • Gebrerufael Girmay
  • Bezna Arega
  • Dirk Berkvens
  • Solomon Z Altaye
  • Gadisa Muleta
  • Trop Anim Health Prod.2018 Mar;50(3):621-627. 10.1007/s11250-017-1478-2. doi: 10.1007/s11250-017-1478-2.Epub 2017-11-29.


Long- versus short-term androgen deprivation therapy with high-dose radiotherapy for biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy: a randomized controlled trial.
  • Charlien Berghen
  • Steven Joniau
  • Annouschka Laenen
  • Gaetan Devos
  • Kato Rans
  • Karolien Goffin
  • Karin Haustermans
  • Gert De Meerleer
  • Future Oncol.2020 Jul;doi: 10.2217/fon-2020-0390.Epub 2020-07-15.


Buparlisib plus carboplatin or lomustine in patients with recurrent glioblastoma: a phase Ib/II, open-label, multicentre, randomised study.
  • Mark Rosenthal
  • Paul M Clement
  • Mario Campone
  • Miguel J Gil-Gil
  • John DeGroot
  • Olivier Chinot
  • Ahmed Idbaih
  • Hui Gan
  • Jeffrey Raizer
  • Patrick Yung Wen
  • Estela Pineda
  • Valerie Donnet
  • David Mills
  • Mona El-Hashimy
  • Warren Mason
  • ESMO Open.2020 Jul;5(4). e000672. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2020-000672.


Systematic Characterization of Recurrent Genomic Alterations in Cyclin-Dependent Kinases Reveals Potential Therapeutic Strategies for Cancer Treatment.
  • Weiwei Shan
  • Jiao Yuan
  • Zhongyi Hu
  • Junjie Jiang
  • Yueying Wang
  • Nicki Loo
  • Lingling Fan
  • Zhaoqing Tang
  • Tianli Zhang
  • Mu Xu
  • Yutian Pan
  • Jiaqi Lu
  • Meixiao Long
  • Janos L Tanyi
  • Kathleen T Montone
  • Yi Fan
  • Xiaowen Hu
  • Youyou Zhang
  • Lin Zhang
  • Cell Rep.2020 Jul;32(2):107884. S2211-1247(20)30865-2. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107884.


Synergistic anti-tumor activity of miriplatin and radiation through PUMA-mediated apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Hironori Tanaka
  • Koichi Okamoto
  • Yasushi Sato
  • Takahiro Tanaka
  • Tetsu Tomonari
  • Fumika Nakamura
  • Yasuteru Fujino
  • Yasuhiro Mitsui
  • Hiroshi Miyamoto
  • Naoki Muguruma
  • Akinori Morita
  • Hitoshi Ikushima
  • Tetsuji Takayama
  • J. Gastroenterol..2020 Jul;10.1007/s00535-020-01705-8. doi: 10.1007/s00535-020-01705-8.Epub 2020-07-14.


Bioactive supra decorated thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid derivatives attenuate cellular oxidative stress by enhancing catalase activity.
  • Masood Ahmad Rizvi
  • Zakir Hussain
  • Fasil Ali
  • Asif Amin
  • Sajjad Husain Mir
  • Gaulthier Rydzek
  • Rohidas M Jagtap
  • Satish K Pardeshi
  • Raies A Qadri
  • Katsuhiko Ariga
  • Phys Chem Chem Phys.2020 Apr;22(15):7942-7951. doi: 10.1039/d0cp00253d.


In vitro degradability of corn silage and Leymus chinensis silage and evaluation of their mixed ratios on performance, digestion and serum parameters in beef cattle.
  • Xianglun Zhang
  • Hongliang Wang
  • Wei You
  • Hongbo Zhao
  • Chen Wei
  • Qing Jin
  • Xiaomu Liu
  • Guifen Liu
  • Xiuwen Tan
  • Xingling Wang
  • Fachun Wan
  • Xiaoyu Sun
  • J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl).2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/jpn.13392.Epub 2020-06-11.


Clinical significance of miR-1180-3p in hepatocellular carcinoma: a study based on bioinformatics analysis and RT-qPCR validation.
  • Zihan Zhou
  • Xianguo Zhou
  • Yanji Jiang
  • Moqin Qiu
  • Xiumei Liang
  • Qiuling Lin
  • Qian Guo
  • Cunli Nong
  • Rongrui Huo
  • Qian Chen
  • Haizhou Liu
  • Yingchun Liu
  • Shaoliang Zhu
  • Mengyun Wang
  • Hongping Yu
  • Sci Rep.2020 Jul;10(1):11573. 10.1038/s41598-020-68450-z. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68450-z.Epub 2020-07-14.


The Multiple Roles of Hepatitis B Virus X Protein (HBx) Dysregulated MicroRNA in Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HBV-HCC) and Immune Pathways.
  • Kurt Sartorius
  • Leo Swadling
  • Ping An
  • Julia Makarova
  • Cheryl Winkler
  • Anil Chuturgoon
  • Anna Kramvis
  • Viruses.2020 Jul;12(7). E746. doi: 10.3390/v12070746.Epub 2020-07-10.


Challenges in Post-marketing Studies of Biological Drugs in the Era of Biosimilars: A Report of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology 2019 Mid-Year Meeting in Rome, Italy.
  • Ylenia Ingrasciotta
  • Janet Sultana
  • Ursula Kirchmayer
  • Gianluca Trifirò
  • BioDrugs.2019 Aug;33(4):345-352. 10.1007/s40259-019-00365-2. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00365-2.


Association of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Jamaican Children.
  • MacKinsey A Bach
  • Maureen Samms-Vaughan
  • Manouchehr Hessabi
  • Jan Bressler
  • MinJae Lee
  • Jing Zhang
  • Sydonnie Shakespeare-Pellington
  • Megan L Grove
  • Katherine A Loveland
  • Mohammad H Rahbar
  • Res Autism Spectr Disord.2020 Aug;76. 101587. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2020.101587.Epub 2020-06-18.


Exploratory study on the presence of bisphenol A and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in the Santa Catarina River in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.
  • Arquímedes Cruz-López
  • René Alberto Dávila-Pórcel
  • Héctor de León-Gómez
  • Juan Manuel Rodríguez-Martínez
  • Santiago I Suárez-Vázquez
  • Antonio Cardona-Benavides
  • Guillermo Javier Castro-Larragoitia
  • Lorenzo Boreselli
  • María de Lourdes Villalba
  • Adán Pinales-Munguía
  • Humberto Silva-Hidalgo
  • Rodrigo de la Garza
  • María Del Socorro Espino-Valdes
  • Environ Monit Assess.2020 Jul;192(8):488. 10.1007/s10661-020-08446-4. doi: 10.1007/s10661-020-08446-4.Epub 2020-07-04.


Temporal and spatial analysis of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface waters of Houston ship channel following a large-scale industrial fire incident.
  • Noor A Aly
  • Yu-Syuan Luo
  • Yina Liu
  • Gaston Casillas
  • Thomas J McDonald
  • James M Kaihatu
  • Mikyoung Jun
  • Nicholas Ellis
  • Sarah Gossett
  • James N Dodds
  • Erin S Baker
  • Sharmila Bhandari
  • Weihsueh A Chiu
  • Ivan Rusyn
  • Environ. Pollut..2020 Jun;265(Pt B):115009. S0269-7491(20)32125-4. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115009.Epub 2020-06-12.


Environmental levels and human body burdens of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances in Africa: A critical review.
  • Patrick Ssebugere
  • Mika Sillanpää
  • Henry Matovu
  • Zhanyun Wang
  • Karl-Werner Schramm
  • Solomon Omwoma
  • William Wanasolo
  • Emily Chelangat Ngeno
  • Silver Odongo
  • Sci. Total Environ..2020 Jun;739:139913. S0048-9697(20)33433-1. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139913.Epub 2020-06-05.


A new configuration of polar organic chemical integrative sampler with nylon membranes to monitor emerging organophosphate ester contaminants in urban surface water.
  • Jingjing Xiong
  • Huizhen Li
  • Xue Ma
  • Baoxiang Tan
  • Jing You
  • Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf..2020 Jun;202:110891. S0147-6513(20)30730-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110891.Epub 2020-06-24.


Nitrated monoaromatic hydrocarbons (nitrophenols, nitrocatechols, nitrosalicylic acids) in ambient air: levels, mass size distributions and inhalation bioaccessibility.
  • Zoran Kitanovski
  • Jan Hovorka
  • Jan Kuta
  • Cecilia Leoni
  • Roman Prokeš
  • Ondřej Sáňka
  • Pourya Shahpoury
  • Gerhard Lammel
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 Jun;10.1007/s11356-020-09540-3. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-09540-3.Epub 2020-06-11.