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2021年03月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells with anorganic bovine bone mineral scaffold for augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible: An exploratory prospective clinical study.
  • Arash Khojasteh
  • Sepanta Hosseinpour
  • Maryam Rezai Rad
  • Marzieh Alikhasi
  • Homayoun H Zadeh
  • Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2019 Apr;21(2):292-300. doi: 10.1111/cid.12729.Epub 2019-03-01.


Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells with anorganic bovine bone mineral scaffold for augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible: An exploratory prospective clinical study.
  • Arash Khojasteh
  • Sepanta Hosseinpour
  • Maryam Rezai Rad
  • Marzieh Alikhasi
  • Homayoun H Zadeh
  • Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2019 Apr;21(2):292-300. doi: 10.1111/cid.12729.Epub 2019-03-01.


Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells with anorganic bovine bone mineral scaffold for augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible: An exploratory prospective clinical study.
  • Arash Khojasteh
  • Sepanta Hosseinpour
  • Maryam Rezai Rad
  • Marzieh Alikhasi
  • Homayoun H Zadeh
  • Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2019 Apr;21(2):292-300. doi: 10.1111/cid.12729.Epub 2019-03-01.


Buccal fat pad-derived stem cells with anorganic bovine bone mineral scaffold for augmentation of atrophic posterior mandible: An exploratory prospective clinical study.
  • Arash Khojasteh
  • Sepanta Hosseinpour
  • Maryam Rezai Rad
  • Marzieh Alikhasi
  • Homayoun H Zadeh
  • Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2019 Apr;21(2):292-300. doi: 10.1111/cid.12729.Epub 2019-03-01.


Clinical effects of the adjunctive use of a 0.03% chlorhexidine and 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride mouth rinse in the management of peri-implant diseases: A randomized clinical trial.
  • Alberto Pulcini
  • Juan Bollaín
  • Ignacio Sanz-Sánchez
  • Elena Figuero
  • Bettina Alonso
  • Mariano Sanz
  • David Herrera
  • J Clin Periodontol.2019 03;46(3):342-353. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13088.


Efficacy of a 0.03% chlorhexidine and 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride mouth rinse in reducing inflammation around the teeth and implants: a randomized clinical trial.
  • Juan Bollain
  • Alberto Pulcini
  • Ignacio Sanz-Sánchez
  • Elena Figuero
  • Bettina Alonso
  • Mariano Sanz
  • David Herrera
  • Clin Oral Investig.2021 Apr;25(4):1729-1741. 10.1007/s00784-020-03474-3. doi: 10.1007/s00784-020-03474-3.Epub 2020-07-31.


Evaluation of a Cetylpyridinium Chloride-, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate-, and Tranexamic Acid-based Mouthwash after Implant Placement: A Double-blind Randomised Clinical Trial.
  • Hiromi Taninokuchi
  • Hidemi Nakata
  • Yuta Takahashi
  • Kensuke Inoue
  • Shohei Kasugai
  • Shinji Kuroda
  • Oral Health Prev Dent.2021 Jan;19(1):157-167. 966793. doi: 10.3290/j.ohpd.b966793.


Clinical observations on enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Fabry disease and the switch from agalsidase beta to agalsidase alfa.
  • Hsiang-Yu Lin
  • Yu-Hsiu Huang
  • Hsuan-Chieh Liao
  • Hao-Chuan Liu
  • Ting-Rong Hsu
  • Chia-I Shen
  • Shao-Tzu Li
  • Cheng-Fang Li
  • Li-Hong Lee
  • Pi-Chang Lee
  • Chun-Kai Huang
  • Chuan-Chi Chiang
  • Shuan-Pei Lin
  • Dau-Ming Niu
  • J Chin Med Assoc.2014 Apr;77(4):190-7. S1726-4901(13)00312-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jcma.2013.11.006.Epub 2013-12-30.


Reduction of Plasma Globotriaosylsphingosine Levels After Switching from Agalsidase Alfa to Agalsidase Beta as Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Fabry Disease.
  • Ozlem Goker-Alpan
  • Michael J Gambello
  • Gustavo H B Maegawa
  • Khan J Nedd
  • Daniel J Gruskin
  • Larry Blankstein
  • Neal J Weinreb
  • JIMD Rep.2016;25:95-106. doi: 10.1007/8904_2015_483.Epub 2015-08-25.


Switch to agalsidase alfa after shortage of agalsidase beta in Fabry disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature.
  • Antonio Pisani
  • Dario Bruzzese
  • Massimo Sabbatini
  • Letizia Spinelli
  • Massimo Imbriaco
  • Eleonora Riccio
  • Genet Med.2017 03;19(3):275-282. gim2016117. doi: 10.1038/gim.2016.117.Epub 2016-09-08.


Fabry disease under enzyme replacement therapy-new insights in efficacy of different dosages.
  • Johannes Krämer
  • Malte Lenders
  • Sima Canaan-Kühl
  • Peter Nordbeck
  • Nurcan Üçeyler
  • Daniela Blaschke
  • Thomas Duning
  • Stefanie Reiermann
  • Jörg Stypmann
  • Stefan-Martin Brand
  • Timo Gottschling
  • Stefan Störk
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Claudia Sommer
  • Eva Brand
  • Frank Weidemann
  • Nephrol Dial Transplant.2018 08;33(8):1362-1372. 4653657. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfx319.


Agalsidase alfa versus agalsidase beta for the treatment of Fabry disease: an international cohort study.
  • Maarten Arends
  • Marieke Biegstraaten
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Sandra Sirrs
  • Atul Mehta
  • Perry M Elliott
  • Daniel Oder
  • Oliver T Watkinson
  • Daniel G Bichet
  • Aneal Khan
  • Mark Iwanochko
  • Frédéric M Vaz
  • André B P van Kuilenburg
  • Michael L West
  • Derralynn A Hughes
  • Carla E M Hollak
  • J Med Genet.2018 05;55(5):351-358. jmedgenet-2017-104863. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2017-104863.Epub 2018-02-07.


Low-dose agalsidase beta treatment in male pediatric patients with Fabry disease: A 5-year randomized controlled trial.
  • Uma Ramaswami
  • Daniel G Bichet
  • Lorne A Clarke
  • Gabriela Dostalova
  • Alejandro Fainboim
  • Andreas Fellgiebel
  • Cassiano M Forcelini
  • Kristina An Haack
  • Robert J Hopkin
  • Michael Mauer
  • Behzad Najafian
  • C Ronald Scott
  • Suma P Shankar
  • Beth L Thurberg
  • Camilla Tøndel
  • Anna Tylki-Szymanska
  • Bernard Bénichou
  • Frits A Wijburg
  • Mol Genet Metab.2019 05;127(1):86-94. S1096-7192(18)30766-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2019.03.010.Epub 2019-04-03.


Standardising clinical outcomes measures for adult clinical trials in Fabry disease: A global Delphi consensus.
  • D Moreno-Martinez
  • P Aguiar
  • C Auray-Blais
  • M Beck
  • D G Bichet
  • A Burlina
  • D Cole
  • P Elliott
  • U Feldt-Rasmussen
  • S Feriozzi
  • J Fletcher
  • R Giugliani
  • A Jovanovic
  • C Kampmann
  • M Langeveld
  • O Lidove
  • A Linhart
  • M Mauer
  • J C Moon
  • A Muir
  • A Nowak
  • J P Oliveira
  • A Ortiz
  • G Pintos-Morell
  • J Politei
  • P Rozenfeld
  • R Schiffmann
  • E Svarstad
  • A S Talbot
  • M Thomas
  • C Tøndel
  • D Warnock
  • M L West
  • D A Hughes
  • Mol Genet Metab.2021 Feb;S1096-7192(21)00035-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2021.02.001.Epub 2021-02-20.

18歳前後にアガルシダーゼアルファ酵素補充療法を開始したFabry Outcome Surveyの男性参加者における腎および心疾患の転帰の解析

Analysis of Renal and Cardiac Outcomes in Male Participants in the Fabry Outcome Survey Starting Agalsidase Alfa Enzyme Replacement Therapy Before and After 18 Years of Age.
  • Rossella Parini
  • Guillem Pintos-Morell
  • Julia B Hennermann
  • Ting-Rong Hsu
  • Nesrin Karabul
  • Vasiliki Kalampoki
  • Andrey Gurevich
  • Uma Ramaswami
  • Drug Des Devel Ther.2020;14:2149-2158. 249433. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S249433.Epub 2020-06-03.


Effects of toothbrushes with tapered and cross angled soft bristle design on dental plaque and gingival inflammation: a randomized and controlled clinical trial.
  • Yan-Fang Ren
  • Rita Cacciato
  • Mary Therese Whelehan
  • Li Ning
  • Hans Sigurd Malmstrom
  • J Dent.2007 Jul;35(7):614-22. S0300-5712(07)00075-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2007.04.005.Epub 2007-06-04.


Predicting the Development of Anti-Drug Antibodies against Recombinant alpha-Galactosidase A in Male Patients with Classical Fabry Disease.
  • Sanne J van der Veen
  • Wytze J Vlietstra
  • Laura van Dussen
  • André B P van Kuilenburg
  • Marcel G W Dijkgraaf
  • Malte Lenders
  • Eva Brand
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Derralynn Hughes
  • Perry M Elliott
  • Carla E M Hollak
  • Mirjam Langeveld
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Aug;21(16). E5784. doi: 10.3390/ijms21165784.Epub 2020-08-12.


Phenotypic characteristics of the p.Asn215Ser (p.N215S) GLA mutation in male and female patients with Fabry disease: A multicenter Fabry Registry study.
  • Dominique P Germain
  • Eva Brand
  • Alessandro Burlina
  • Franco Cecchi
  • Scott C Garman
  • Judy Kempf
  • Dawn A Laney
  • Aleš Linhart
  • László Maródi
  • Kathy Nicholls
  • Alberto Ortiz
  • Federico Pieruzzi
  • Suma P Shankar
  • Stephen Waldek
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Ana Jovanovic
  • Mol Genet Genomic Med.2018 Apr;doi: 10.1002/mgg3.389.Epub 2018-04-12.

アガルシダーゼβを投与した古典的ファブリー病の男性患者のかなりの割合で消化器症状が改善した。表現型で層別したFabry Registryの分析結果

Improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms in a significant proportion of male patients with classic Fabry disease treated with agalsidase beta: A Fabry Registry analysis stratified by phenotype.
  • Robert J Hopkin
  • Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen
  • Dominique P Germain
  • Ana Jovanovic
  • Ana Maria Martins
  • Kathleen Nicholls
  • Alberto Ortiz
  • Juan Politei
  • Elvira Ponce
  • Carmen Varas
  • Frank Weidemann
  • Meng Yang
  • William R Wilcox
  • Mol Genet Metab Rep.2020 Dec;25:100670. S2214-4269(20)30116-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgmr.2020.100670.Epub 2020-10-30.


Favourable effect of early versus late start of enzyme replacement therapy on plasma globotriaosylsphingosine levels in men with classical Fabry disease.
  • Maarten Arends
  • Frits A Wijburg
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Frédéric M Vaz
  • André B P van Kuilenburg
  • Derralynn A Hughes
  • Marieke Biegstraaten
  • Atul Mehta
  • Carla E M Hollak
  • Mirjam Langeveld
  • Mol Genet Metab.2017 06;121(2):157-161. S1096-7192(17)30156-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2017.05.001.Epub 2017-05-04.


Dose-Dependent Effect of Enzyme Replacement Therapy on Neutralizing Antidrug Antibody Titers and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Fabry Disease.
  • Malte Lenders
  • Leon Paul Neußer
  • Michael Rudnicki
  • Peter Nordbeck
  • Sima Canaan-Kühl
  • Albina Nowak
  • Markus Cybulla
  • Boris Schmitz
  • Jan Lukas
  • Christoph Wanner
  • Stefan-Martin Brand
  • Eva Brand
  • J Am Soc Nephrol.2018 12;29(12):2879-2889. ASN.2018070740. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2018070740.Epub 2018-11-01.


Altered immune phenotypes in subjects with Fabry disease and responses to switching from agalsidase alfa to agalsidase beta.
  • Renuka P Limgala
  • Tabitha Jennelle
  • Matthew Plassmeyer
  • Michel Boutin
  • Pamela Lavoie
  • Mona Abaoui
  • Christiane Auray-Blais
  • Khan Nedd
  • Oral Alpan
  • Ozlem Goker-Alpan
  • Am J Transl Res.2019;11(3):1683-1696. Epub 2019-03-15.

ファブリー病患者の血漿および尿中のGlobotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb)およびその類縁体と、長期治療および遺伝子型との相関関係を、デンマークの女性全国規模のコホートで調べました

Globotriaosylsphingosine (lyso-Gb) and analogues in plasma and urine of patients with Fabry disease and correlations with long-term treatment and genotypes in a nationwide female Danish cohort.
  • Grigoris Effraimidis
  • Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen
  • Åse Krogh Rasmussen
  • Pamela Lavoie
  • Mona Abaoui
  • Michel Boutin
  • Christiane Auray-Blais
  • J Med Genet.2020 Sep;jmedgenet-2020-107162. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2020-107162.Epub 2020-09-22.

アガルシダーゼアルファで治療を受けたファブリー病患者において、ベースラインの左心室肥大と腎機能低下が心血管および腎の転帰に及ぼす影響。Fabry Outcome Survey Study(ファブリーアウトカム調査)」

Effects of Baseline Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Decreased Renal Function on Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Patients with Fabry Disease Treated with Agalsidase Alfa: A Fabry Outcome Survey Study.
  • Sandro Feriozzi
  • Ales Linhart
  • Uma Ramaswami
  • Vasiliki Kalampoki
  • Andrey Gurevich
  • Derralynn Hughes
  • Clin Ther.2020 12;42(12):2321-2330.e0. S0149-2918(20)30475-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2020.10.007.Epub 2020-11-17.


Treatment of fabry disease with migalastat-outcome from a prospective 24 months observational multicenter study (FAMOUS).
  • Malte Lenders
  • Peter Nordbeck
  • Christine Kurschat
  • Maria Eveslage
  • Nesrin Karabul
  • Jessica Kaufeld
  • Julia B Hennermann
  • Monica Patten
  • Markus Cybulla
  • Jonas Müntze
  • Nurcan Üçeyler
  • Dan Liu
  • Anibh M Das
  • Claudia Sommer
  • Christian Pogoda
  • Stefanie Reiermann
  • Thomas Duning
  • Jens Gaedeke
  • Katharina von Cossel
  • Daniela Blaschke
  • Stefan-Martin Brand
  • W Alexander Mann
  • Christoph Kampmann
  • Nicole Muschol
  • Sima Canaan-Kühl
  • Eva Brand
  • Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother.2021 Mar;pvab025. doi: 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvab025.Epub 2021-03-16.


Predictors of outcome in a Spanish cohort of patients with Fabry disease on enzyme replacement therapy.
  • Marian Goicoechea
  • Francisco Gomez-Preciado
  • Silvia Benito
  • Joan Jorras
  • Roser Torra
  • Ana Huerta
  • Alejandra Restrepo
  • Jessica Ugalde
  • Daniela Estefania Astudillo
  • Irene Agraz
  • Manuel Lopez-Mendoza
  • Gabriel de Arriba
  • Elena Corchete
  • Borja Quiroga
  • Maria Jose Gutierrez
  • Maria Luisa Martin-Conde
  • Vanessa Lopes
  • Carmela Ramos
  • Irene Mendez
  • Mercedes Cao
  • Fernando Dominguez
  • Alberto Ortiz
  • Nefrologia.2021 Mar;S0211-6995(21)00031-X. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2021.01.002.Epub 2021-03-10.


Changes in clinical parameters following adjunctive local sodium hypochlorite gel in minimally invasive nonsurgical therapy (MINST) of periodontal pockets: a 6-month randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano
  • Luca Ramaglia
  • Gaetano Isola
  • Andrea Blasi
  • Giovanni E Salvi
  • Anton Sculean
  • Clin Oral Investig.2021 Mar;10.1007/s00784-021-03841-8. doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-03841-8.Epub 2021-03-09.


Changes in clinical parameters following adjunctive local sodium hypochlorite gel in minimally invasive nonsurgical therapy (MINST) of periodontal pockets: a 6-month randomized controlled clinical trial.
  • Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano
  • Luca Ramaglia
  • Gaetano Isola
  • Andrea Blasi
  • Giovanni E Salvi
  • Anton Sculean
  • Clin Oral Investig.2021 Mar;10.1007/s00784-021-03841-8. doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-03841-8.Epub 2021-03-09.

接着剤と象牙質の界面の高解像度メカニカルマッピング。10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphateのコモノマーの効果について

High-resolution mechanical mapping of the adhesive-dentin interface: The effect of co-monomers in 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate.
  • Shinpei Takahashi
  • Jun Zhou
  • Wurihan
  • Naofumi Shimomura
  • Yu Kataoka
  • Chie Watanabe
  • Yo Shibata
  • Takahiro Funatsu
  • Ping Gao
  • Takashi Miyazaki
  • J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2021 Feb;117:104389. S1751-6161(21)00078-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2021.104389.Epub 2021-02-23.


Comparison of peri-implant soft tissue and crestal bone status of dental implants placed in prediabetic, type 2 diabetic, and non-diabetic individuals: a retrospective cohort study.
  • Abdullah Alshahrani
  • Modhi Al Deeb
  • Saad Alresayes
  • Sameer A Mokeem
  • Nawwaf Al-Hamoudi
  • Osama Alghamdi
  • Fahim Vohra
  • Tariq Abduljabbar
  • Int J Implant Dent.2020 Oct;6(1):56. 10.1186/s40729-020-00255-1. doi: 10.1186/s40729-020-00255-1.Epub 2020-10-05.