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2020年07月 みんなが読んでいる論文


Metabolic syndrome and its relation to dietary patterns among a selected urbanised and semi-urbanised Tibetan population in transition from nomadic to settled living environment.
  • Wen Peng
  • Yan Liu
  • Maureen Malowany
  • Hongru Chen
  • Xiaodong Su
  • Yongnian Liu
  • Public Health Nutr.2020 Apr;:1-9. S1368980019004798. doi: 10.1017/S1368980019004798.Epub 2020-04-21.


Evaluating the Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Biomarkers for Heart Disease and Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients With Muscular Dystrophy.
  • Anish Nikhanj
  • Bailey Miskew Nichols
  • Kaiming Wang
  • Zaeem A Siddiqi
  • Gavin Y Oudit
  • Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes.2020 Jul;qcaa059. doi: 10.1093/ehjqcco/qcaa059.Epub 2020-07-20.


Leukocyte Tetraspanin CD53 Restrains α Integrin Mobilization and Facilitates Cytoskeletal Remodeling and Transmigration in Mice.
  • Louisa Yeung
  • Jeremy M L Anderson
  • Janet L Wee
  • Maria C Demaria
  • Michaela Finsterbusch
  • Yuxin S Liu
  • Pam Hall
  • Brodie C Smith
  • Wendy Dankers
  • Kirstin D Elgass
  • Ian P Wicks
  • Hang Fai Kwok
  • Mark D Wright
  • Michael J Hickey
  • J. Immunol..2020 Jul;205(2):521-532. jimmunol.1901054. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1901054.Epub 2020-06-12.


Targeting defective sphingosine kinase 1 in Niemann-Pick type C disease with an activator mitigates cholesterol accumulation.
  • Jason Newton
  • Elisa N D Palladino
  • Cynthia Weigel
  • Michael Maceyka
  • Markus H Gräler
  • Can E Senkal
  • Ricardo D Enriz
  • Pavlina Marvanova
  • Josef Jampilek
  • Santiago Lima
  • Sheldon Milstien
  • Sarah Spiegel
  • J. Biol. Chem..2020 Jul;295(27):9121-9133. RA120.012659. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.012659.Epub 2020-05-08.


SOAT1 promotes mevalonate pathway dependency in pancreatic cancer.
  • Tobiloba E Oni
  • Giulia Biffi
  • Lindsey A Baker
  • Yuan Hao
  • Claudia Tonelli
  • Tim D D Somerville
  • Astrid Deschênes
  • Pascal Belleau
  • Chang-Il Hwang
  • Francisco J Sánchez-Rivera
  • Hilary Cox
  • Erin Brosnan
  • Abhishek Doshi
  • Rebecca P Lumia
  • Kimia Khaledi
  • Youngkyu Park
  • Lloyd C Trotman
  • Scott W Lowe
  • Alexander Krasnitz
  • Christopher R Vakoc
  • David A Tuveson
  • J. Exp. Med..2020 Sep;217(9). e20192389. doi: 10.1084/jem.20192389.


Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis.
  • John Holmes
  • Emma Beard
  • Jamie Brown
  • Alan Brennan
  • Petra S Meier
  • Susan Michie
  • Abigail K Stevely
  • Laura Webster
  • Penny F Buykx
  • J Epidemiol Community Health.2020 Jul;jech-2020-213820. doi: 10.1136/jech-2020-213820.Epub 2020-07-19.


Detailed thrombogenicity phenotyping and 1 year outcomes in patients undergoing WATCHMAN implantation: (TARGET-WATCHMAN) a case-control study.
  • Matthew Sherwood
  • Kevin P Bliden
  • Leonard Ilkhanoff
  • Ganesh Venkataraman
  • Adam Strickberger
  • Sharam Yazdani
  • Robert McSwain
  • Haroon Rashid
  • Eliano P Navarese
  • Tracy Plummer
  • Wayne Batchelor
  • Rahul Chaudhary
  • Udaya S Tantry
  • Paul A Gurbel
  • J. Thromb. Thrombolysis.2020 Jun;10.1007/s11239-020-02205-5. doi: 10.1007/s11239-020-02205-5.Epub 2020-06-29.


Cholinergic regulation along the pulmonary arterial tree of the South American rattlesnake: vascular reactivity, muscarinic receptors, and vagal innervation.
  • Renato Filogonio
  • Marina Rincon Sartori
  • Susie Morgensen
  • Driele Tavares
  • Rafael Campos
  • Augusto S Abe
  • Edwin W Taylor
  • Gerson Jhonatan Rodrigues
  • Gilberto De Nucci
  • Ulf Simonsen
  • Cléo A C Leite
  • Tobias Wang
  • Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00310.2019.Epub 2020-06-17.


Bioinspired Nanofiber Scaffold for Differentiating Bone Marrow-Derived Neural Stem Cells to Oligodendrocyte-Like Cells: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization.
  • Fatemeh Rasti Boroojeni
  • Shohreh Mashayekhan
  • Hojjat-Allah Abbaszadeh
  • Mohamadhasan Ansarizadeh
  • Maryam-Sadat Khoramgah
  • Vafa Rahimi Movaghar
  • Int J Nanomedicine.2020;15:3903-3920. 248509. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S248509.Epub 2020-06-02.


Cerebrovascular reactivity in cerebral amyloid angiopathy, Alzheimer disease, and mild cognitive impairment.
  • Aaron R Switzer
  • Ikreet Cheema
  • Cheryl R McCreary
  • Angela Zwiers
  • Anna Charlton
  • Ana Alvarez-Veronesi
  • Ramnik Sekhon
  • Charlotte Zerna
  • Randall B Stafford
  • Richard Frayne
  • Bradley G Goodyear
  • Eric E Smith
  • Neurology.2020 Jul;10.1212/WNL.0000000000010201. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000010201.Epub 2020-07-08.


Neuroprotective potential of solanesol in intracerebroventricular propionic acid induced experimental model of autism: Insights from behavioral and biochemical evidence.
  • Ramit Sharma
  • Saloni Rahi
  • Sidharth Mehan
  • Toxicol Rep.2019;6:1164-1175. S2214-7500(19)30361-0. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2019.10.019.Epub 2019-11-05.


Functional Role of Dietary Intervention to Improve the Outcome of COVID-19: A Hypothesis of Work.
  • Giovanni Messina
  • Rita Polito
  • Vincenzo Monda
  • Luigi Cipolloni
  • Nunzio Di Nunno
  • Giulio Di Mizio
  • Paolo Murabito
  • Marco Carotenuto
  • Antonietta Messina
  • Daniela Pisanelli
  • Anna Valenzano
  • Giuseppe Cibelli
  • Alessia Scarinci
  • Marcellino Monda
  • Francesco Sessa
  • Int J Mol Sci.2020 Apr;21(9). E3104. doi: 10.3390/ijms21093104.Epub 2020-04-28.


Diagnosis of regional node metastases in lung cancer with computer-aided 3D measurement of the volume and CT-attenuation values of lymph nodes.
  • Yoshiyuki Takahashi
  • Shodayu Takashima
  • Tomoaki Hakucho
  • Chie Miyake
  • Daisuke Morimoto
  • Bing-hu Jiang
  • Hodaka Numasaki
  • Yasuhiko Tomita
  • Katsuyuki Nakanishi
  • Masahiko Higashiyama
  • Acad Radiol.2013 Jun;20(6):740-5. S1076-6332(13)00035-4. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2013.01.013.Epub 2013-03-06.


Loss of function of the aminotransferase gene, which is involved in auxin homeostasis, induces parthenocarpy in Solanaceae plants.
  • Satoshi Matsuo
  • Koji Miyatake
  • Makoto Endo
  • Soichi Urashimo
  • Takaaki Kawanishi
  • Satomi Negoro
  • Satoshi Shimakoshi
  • Hiroyuki Fukuoka
  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A..2020 Jun;117(23):12784-12790. 2001211117. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2001211117.Epub 2020-05-27.


Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Enzyme Inhibitory Properties of Different Extracts Obtained from Spent Coffee Ground and Coffee Silverskin.
  • Gokhan Zengin
  • Kouadio Ibrahime Sinan
  • Mohamad Fawzi Mahomoodally
  • Simone Angeloni
  • Ahmed M Mustafa
  • Sauro Vittori
  • Filippo Maggi
  • Giovanni Caprioli
  • Foods.2020 Jun;9(6). E713. doi: 10.3390/foods9060713.Epub 2020-06-02.


Microenvironmentally-driven Plasticity of CD44 isoform expression determines Engraftment and Stem-like Phenotype in CRC cell lines.
  • Thiemo F Dinger
  • Oleg Chen
  • Claudia Dittfeld
  • Lydia Hetze
  • Melanie Hüther
  • Marit Wondrak
  • Steffen Löck
  • Wolfgang Eicheler
  • Georg Breier
  • Leoni A Kunz-Schughart
  • Theranostics.2020;10(17):7599-7621. thnov10p7599. doi: 10.7150/thno.39893.Epub 2020-06-18.


HIV-1 recombinant forms in immigrants regularly residing in Milan, northern Italy.
  • Sabrina Bagaglio
  • Caterina Uberti-Foppa
  • Caterina Sagnelli
  • Alessia Lai
  • Hamid Hasson
  • Stefania Salpietro
  • Emanuela Messina
  • Giulia Morsica
  • Chiara Zaffina
  • Antonello Sica
  • Adriano Lazzarin
  • Silvia Angeletti
  • Evangelista Sagnelli
  • Brian Foley
  • Massimo Ciccozzi
  • Infection.2020 May;10.1007/s15010-020-01434-3. doi: 10.1007/s15010-020-01434-3.Epub 2020-05-19.


Systems analysis of RhoGEF and RhoGAP regulatory proteins reveals spatially organized RAC1 signalling from integrin adhesions.
  • Paul M Müller
  • Juliane Rademacher
  • Richard D Bagshaw
  • Celina Wortmann
  • Carolin Barth
  • Jakobus van Unen
  • Keziban M Alp
  • Girolamo Giudice
  • Rebecca L Eccles
  • Louise E Heinrich
  • Patricia Pascual-Vargas
  • Marta Sanchez-Castro
  • Lennart Brandenburg
  • Geraldine Mbamalu
  • Monika Tucholska
  • Lisa Spatt
  • Maciej T Czajkowski
  • Robert-William Welke
  • Sunqu Zhang
  • Vivian Nguyen
  • Trendelina Rrustemi
  • Philipp Trnka
  • Kiara Freitag
  • Brett Larsen
  • Oliver Popp
  • Philipp Mertins
  • Anne-Claude Gingras
  • Frederick P Roth
  • Karen Colwill
  • Chris Bakal
  • Olivier Pertz
  • Tony Pawson
  • Evangelia Petsalaki
  • Oliver Rocks
  • Nat. Cell Biol..2020 04;22(4):498-511. 10.1038/s41556-020-0488-x. doi: 10.1038/s41556-020-0488-x.Epub 2020-03-23.

選択的分解は、NPC1 変異細胞のエンドリゾソームにおけるアネキシン A6 とコレステロールレベルを制御するフィードバックループを可能にする

Selective Degradation Permits a Feedback Loop Controlling Annexin A6 and Cholesterol Levels in Endolysosomes of NPC1 Mutant Cells.
  • Elsa Meneses-Salas
  • Ana García-Melero
  • Patricia Blanco-Muñoz
  • Jaimy Jose
  • Marie-Sophie Brenner
  • Albert Lu
  • Francesc Tebar
  • Thomas Grewal
  • Carles Rentero
  • Carlos Enrich
  • Cells.2020 May;9(5). E1152. doi: 10.3390/cells9051152.Epub 2020-05-07.


High prevalence of plasma lipid abnormalities in human and canine Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies depicts a new type of primary genetic dyslipidemia.
  • Zoe White
  • Chady H Hakim
  • Marine Theret
  • N Nora Yang
  • Fabio Rossi
  • Dan Cox
  • Gordon A Francis
  • Volker Straub
  • Kathryn Selby
  • Constadina Panagiotopoulos
  • Dongsheng Duan
  • Pascal Bernatchez
  • J Clin Lipidol.2020 May;S1933-2874(20)30196-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jacl.2020.05.098.Epub 2020-05-29.


Associations between Medication Assisted Therapy Services Delivery and Mortality in a National Cohort of Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder.
  • Natalie B Riblet
  • Daniel J Gottlieb
  • Brian Shiner
  • Sarah L Cornelius
  • Bradley V Watts
  • J Dual Diagn.2020 Apr-Jun;16(2):228-238. doi: 10.1080/15504263.2019.1701218.Epub 2019-12-18.


Long Non-Coding RNA Taurine Upregulated Gene 1 (TUG1) Downregulation Constrains Cell Proliferation and Invasion through Regulating Cell Division Cycle 42 (CDC42) Expression Via MiR-498 in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells.
  • Zhifeng Wang
  • Jingmei Liu
  • Rong Wang
  • Qinqin Wang
  • Rong Liang
  • Jinliang Tang
  • Med. Sci. Monit..2020 Mar;26:e919714. 919714. doi: 10.12659/MSM.919714.Epub 2020-03-06.


Core-Shell Palladium/MOF Platforms as Diffusion-Controlled Nanoreactors in Living Cells and Tissue Models.
  • Raquel Martínez
  • Carolina Carrillo-Carrión
  • Paolo Destito
  • Aitor Alvarez
  • María Tomás-Gamasa
  • Beatriz Pelaz
  • Fernando Lopez
  • José L Mascareñas
  • Pablo Del Pino
  • Cell Rep Phys Sci.2020 Jun;1(6):100076. S2666-3864(20)30071-0. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2020.100076.Epub 2020-06-24.

臨床情報学は COVID-19 パンデミックへの医療システムの適応を加速させます。コロラド州の例

Clinical Informatics Accelerates Health System Adaptation to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examples from Colorado.
  • Chen-Tan Lin
  • Kelly Bookman
  • Amber Sieja
  • Katie Markley
  • Richard L Altman
  • Jeffrey Sippel
  • Katharine Perica
  • Lori Reece
  • Christopher Davis
  • Edward Horowitz
  • Larissa Pisney
  • Peter D Sottile
  • David Kao
  • Bonnie Adrian
  • Melissa Szkil
  • Julie Griffin
  • Jeanie Youngwerth
  • Brendan Drew
  • Jonathan Pell
  • J Am Med Inform Assoc.2020 Jul;ocaa171. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocaa171.Epub 2020-07-20.